02| When One Door Closes

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I made it back to my dorm room before Mia arrived and sighed with relief as I started cleaning up. I did the dishes that Lori left in the sink, picked up her things, and tossed them into the trash pile of her room, when I was all done, I flounced onto the couch in the living area and clicked on the tv. I pulled out my phone and typed a text to Mia.

Me: You still coming today?

I clicked around the streaming apps until I found something on Netflix for background noise. My phone pinged.

Mia: I can't. Something came up.

I sighed. Mia and I hadn't hung out outside of passing in the halls in weeks. She'd been busy preparing for her new internship across the country and trying to get everything ready for graduation. I'd been so lonely, but I knew I should brace myself for her to leave so I took a breath and replied.

Me: Fine, I have something to tell you later when you get the chance.

When my phone pinged again, it was just a thumbs-up emoji from her.

I reluctantly pulled my laptop from my bag to check my email and started writing up a study plan for Dorian based on the questions he'd asked today. I hadn't thought about it before now, but I had fun today. For the first time in forever, I felt like I had a friend and I wasn't alone.

I spent the next hour finishing his study plan, and then an hour after that cleaning some more. Before I knew it, it was past lunchtime and I was starved. I shuffled through our cupboards and found nothing to eat, not even Ramen. So I sighed and put my shoes back on, finger-combed my hair, and touched up my lipstick because, well I was already wearing it. Then, I headed back down to the quad.

I didn't know what I wanted to eat until I spotted the pizza parlor in the food court. Mmmm. Pizza. Probably not the greatest food to be eating, but definitely one of the most delicious. I walked in and inhaled the garlic and brick-oven scent and headed straight for the line. I stopped short when I saw Mia standing in line with a group of laughing seniors.

I know she's leaving, but she didn't have to blow me off. Maybe I should just leave. No. I'm starving and she didn't even bother avoiding the quad during lunch hours. I hopped back in line and counted to about 4 before she spotted me and the blood drained from her face. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. My chest hurt. Mia is my only friend at the University, and she just blew me off to grab a pizza. She could have just told me, or I don't know... invited me?

After I grabbed my slice of New York-style pepperoni, I debated taking it to-go but, for the same reasons as before, I found a booth near the window and sat down. I gazed out the window and huffed when she sat down in front of me. "Athena, I am so sorry."

I didn't look at her, I continued chewing and waiting for an explanation. When one didn't come, I sighed and put down my slice of pizza. I took a sip of water and then looked her in the eye. She appeared to be truly hurt. Why should she be hurt? "Why didn't you just tell me, Mia? Or invite me out for pizza?"

She glanced at her table of laughing friends, "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, Athena. I had already made plans with them." I flicked my eyes to the table and recognized some of the seniors from the parties I attend.

"Once again, you could have just told me you made other plans. The visit today has been on our calendars for weeks. Nearly since the semester started. We could have rescheduled. But they were more important than you being honest with me?" We'd honestly been growing apart for a while, but I had thought that we could remain friends when she left. Guess the feeling isn't mutual.

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