16| Steamy *

24 7 28

*This chapter contains sexually explicit scenes. If you are not into that, you can skip to the last couple of paragraphs.*

Dorian and I reached the apartment and kicked off our boots and hung up our coats. He ventured into the kitchen and brought back a glass of water for both of us as I was still removing extra layers.

When he passed the glass to me I gulped it down and gasped an ahhh when it was empty. Hopefully, it would help the hangover.

I was still freezing, and I decided to take a shower before I went to bed. What could it hurt, it was already 1 am. I looked at Dorian finishing up his glass of water.

He was down to a thin white t-shirt, his jeans, and socks. His hair was sort of rumpled from wearing his beanie in the cold and he had a soft smile on his face. "What?"

I shrugged at him and began removing my socks.

"You were staring. Are you freaking out?" he asked with concern in his tone.

I had just gotten a really great idea. "Follow me." I walked toward the back of his apartment and crooked my finger over my shoulder.

His smile grew into a grin and he set the glass down to catch up to me.

I walked into the bathroom and turned on the water to fully blast hot. He stopped in front of the sink and I walked back to meet him there. He was facing the mirror and I turned my back to it and wrapped both arms around his waist.

I raised onto my toes and kissed him softly. "Look," he nodded at the mirror. I turned in his arms and he wrapped them around my waist from behind. "Look at us."

My hair was wacky, and my cheeks and nose blushed from the cold. The little makeup that I'd applied on the way to the party was ruined and sort of smeared all over my face. My skin was pale from the lack of sun lately.

I moved my gaze to Dorian above me. His dark hair was a sexy mess. His skin was still tanned, though I wondered how. His muscle-corded arms wrapped around me and doubled over in front. He towered over me by nearly a foot, and his broad shoulders made me look small... weak.

I almost looked away until I caught his green gaze in the mirror. His eyes were filled with hunger and something else that I couldn't place.

"I absolutely, inexplicably adore you. You're ungodly frustrating. But I'm in love with you, Atti. You ground me and you keep my head in the clouds, and I... I never thought I would feel that again."

I shrunk from his words and turned to face him, I raised to kiss him again and my hunger started to grow.

"Stay right there," I mumbled.

I dropped to my knees in front of him. "Wha–" I cut him off by popping the button on his worn jeans. "Oh, Atti..."

I yanked down his jeans and his briefs at the same time, and he stepped out of them and slung them to one side.

"Look in the mirror, Dorian. I want you to see what I do to you." A growl emitted from deep within his chest and his gaze flicked to the mirror above me.

I wrapped my hand around the base of his cock and squeezed gently. As he audibly groaned, I licked the moisture from the tip and it caused him to stumble back a step to lean on the wall.

I immediately wrapped my lips around the tip and closed my mouth tight around it. I looked up at his face as I sucked to eliminate any space left in my mouth and pushed my mouth down slowly.

I watched as his eyes rolled back a bit, "Oh fuuucckkk," he gasped.

I kept the pressure on him as I moved my tongue up and down the underside exploring every vein until I found the one that throbbed with the blood rushing in. I pressed my tongue against it and released the pressure.

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