08| It Will Have To Be Enough *

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*This chapter contains sexually explicit scenes. You can skip this one if you aren't into it.*

I pulled up to Dorian's apartment about 45 minutes later. It took a bit longer than I had anticipated because of the snow. It had really been coming down all night so the roads were a mess.

I got out of my car, wrapped myself in a hug, and plowed through the snow to his front door. Before my foot even touched his doorstep, Dorian swung the door open. I knew immediately that I had made the right decision. The hunger in Dorian's eyes gave him away. So it is about sex.

Dorian's brawny body filled the doorway to his apartment and my eyes raked down his body. I couldn't help it. He was shirtless, his tawny beige skin on full display to the waist. His Adonis belt led my eyes down to see that, from the waist down, all that covered him were his worn grey sweatpants. God, it's such a cliché, but this... Dorian in grey sweatpants... this has to be where it all started.

My mouth was already watering, and my thighs already pinching together. I slowly moved my eyes back to his face and mentally reminded myself to keep my mouth closed.

When my burning gaze met his face again, he was wearing one of his distinguished shy smiles. His dark brown hair was sticking out in every direction and his cheeks were slightly flushed.

"Jesus, Atti. At least come inside before you undress me." He chuckled nervously and moved aside so I could rush through the door.

As I hung my coat and removed my boots, he rubbed the back of his neck. He looked nervous, but all I could pay attention to was the way the muscles in his arm and chest flexed.

"Listen," he looked down at his feet and then back to me. "I'm sorry about yesterday. I realize that I came on a little strong. And the last thing I want is to make you uncomfortable."

I sighed, put down my second boot, and stood up straight. "No. I was being a dick." I half-smiled, crossed my arms, and then uncrossed them. "This isn't easy for me, Dorian. I don't... connect with people I guess you could say." I looked down at my feet to attempt to hide the shame I could feel in my stomach.

He took one small step toward me and reached for my arm at my side. "It's okay. I would say we can take it slow... but..." I looked up at his eyes and the hunger was back.

"We won't," I finished for him and a delicious grin took over his features.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the living area and right past it to the small corridor at the back. I had not been to this part of his apartment before, but there was only one thing that could be back there... his bedroom.

Dorian pushed open the door to his most private space and I could feel a knot start to form in my stomach. He pulled me right into his room, and before I had time to freak out, his mouth was on mine.

The enthusiasm in this kiss was different than before–hotter. His full lips completely consumed mine and led me as he walked backward. He wrapped his arms tightly around my waist and fell back onto his bed bringing me with him.

I let out a small yelp as we fell together and I landed on his strong chest. He let out a husky chuckle and grabbed my face on both sides before he resumed the kiss. Without breaking contact, I folded my legs on either side of his waist to straddle him.

His tongue slipped into my mouth and tangled with mine and I was already aching for friction. I started to move my hips in small circles to push against his erection. He groaned and flexed his hips for his own grind.

I sat up and crossed my arms in front of me to grasp my shirt and flip it off in one motion. He stared at my now bare chest before he put his hands on my back to pull my chest to his face.

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