05| I Don't Date *

37 7 41

*This chapter contains a sexually explicit scene. If it's not your cup of tea, I suggest skipping the scene and reading the last couple of paragraphs to be in line with Chapter 6.*

We pulled into Dorian's apartment lot about 20 minutes later. I had assumed he lived on campus. We'd rode in silence for most of the way here, with one exception. I checked my emails and all classes were canceled for tomorrow. The snowstorm was supposed to pick up tonight and some would likely be snowed in tomorrow. I announced it to Dorian and he just nodded. He'd been awfully quiet and I was starting to worry that something happened that he wasn't telling me.

Dorian unbuckled his seatbelt and turned in his seat to stare at me. A smile crept up his face. I felt self-conscious and a giggle bubbled out. "What?"

"Nothing, you're just..." he paused and the twinkle in his eye brightened, "...here."

"Yes, I'm here." I grabbed Dorian's hand and he froze. "So what are we doing?" I tried to recover.

"Whatever you want, I just wanted you here."

Dorian was in the kitchen making popcorn. We'd decided to have another movie night. I was looking around the living area of his small apartment-snooping some might have called it. There was a small but plush two-seater sofa in the middle of the room with a matching ottoman laid out in front of it. A giant 4k television was mounted to the full brick wall over the inlaid electric fireplace already heating and lit up with artificial flames. Behind the sofa, on the opposite wall, books were lining a large bookshelf that almost reached the low ceiling. To the left of the bookshelf, a cased opening opened to the entryway. There was a console table with hooks over it where Dorian had hung his leather jacket and my coat.

I wandered over to the console table to plunder some more. Underneath the table, Dorian had placed our sodden boots when we entered earlier. On top laid a bowl with his keys, an ID card of some sort with Dorian's photo on it, and some change. A book lay next to it and I picked it up and flipped open the cover: "A Grief Observed" by C.S. Lewis.

"Find anything interesting?" I jumped as Dorian walked into the living area with a bowl of popcorn and two unopened beers.

I closed the book and put it back where I'd found it. "Hmm." I make an exaggerated observation as I reenter the living area. "Pretty upscale for a college student in his third year."

He shrugged and placed the popcorn and drinks on the small tray atop the ottoman. "I told you, I have a job." He shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans and sauntered toward me. There was an undeniable twinkle in his eye that made me squeeze my thighs together. He stopped when he was right in front of me and looked down at my face in wonder. "I want to kiss you, Atti."

"Then do it." I swallowed hard but didn't break eye contact with him. He hummed and placed his hands on my shoulders. With the heat that was radiating from him, I suddenly realized that I was a little chilly. He moved so close that I could feel his breath on my lips.

"Out of curiosity, do you look at me and want to kiss me, too?" I heard the insecurity in the question. Suddenly, I was afraid that he might wind up hurt with me. My mom always told me that I self-sabotage and I have a tendency to push people away. Do I want to kiss him? Of course. I just-

"Yes." I breathed before I could overthink anymore.

"You hesitated." He pulled away slightly.

"Yes, Dorian. I always want to kiss you. I am extremely attracted to you."


"Kiss me." No more questions asked, he took my face in his hands and pressed his lips to mine. This kiss was much sweeter and softer than any we'd shared before. For some reason, that made me uncomfortable so I tried to speed it up and make it a bit harder, but he pulled away.

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