17| Run

17 6 31

*This chapter contains a violent scene that could be hard for some. Please, be mindful of that and remember that this is a work of fiction.*

"Wake up, please wake up," an urgent voice is coaxing me. I am coming to when I hear a siren blaring all around me. It's so loud that I can barely hear myself think.

I am in a strange concrete room with monitors and tubes, but nothing is hooked to me. My heart begins racing as I realize that I have been here before.

"Look at me, hey!" I look to my left and there is the strange man that I had seen before, but his green eyes are familiar.

"Dorian?" His eyes light up.

"You remember?" He yells over the siren with excitement.

"You just remind me of someone. Where am I?" I sit up quickly and I am disoriented. I recognize this place but only from dreams. This can't be a dream, my whole body is sore and I'm struggling to move.

"Look, I know this is going to be hard, and you likely won't remember for a while, but we have to get out of here. I can explain later," the brown-haired guy next to me said.

"Do I know you?" I ask as I press my temple.

"Atti, it's me, Dorian."

I hear him, but this doesn't look like the Dorian that I was just with. His features just seem all wrong excluding his eyes. His hair is lighter, his face is thinner, and his body is thinner. "Am I dreaming?"

"No, it's hard to explain, but you've been sleeping. For a long time." It came out as a half sigh.

"Then how can you be–"

"I told you, I can explain later. We have to leave. They'll be here any minute."

"I missed you," I don't know why I said it, but I feel it, and I can feel so much for this man in front of me.

At my words, his body visually sags. "My god, I missed you so much."

He pulls me into an embrace and I wrap my arms around him. Suddenly, I know it. I can feel it. He is Dorian.

"I love you," I blurt.

"You're recovering quickly. I love you back, Atti. Stetson is waiting for us. We have to go."

"Stetson?" I don't ask any more questions as something inside pulls me towards out, I start to follow Dorian from the blaring building.

I follow him up a set of stairs and around a few corners before I realize that there are no windows and everything is made of smooth concrete. We are underground.

"Stop," he whisper-yells at me as I run smack into his hand at a corner. I look down and realize that he is carrying a gun. A gun? For some reason, it feels normal so I don't ask.

I am still disoriented when he jumps from the corner and fires several shots at something down the hall around the corner.

"Come on," he waves me behind him.

When I round the corner, I see that he has just shot down several men wearing white lab suits. I watch, as I pass, while their blood saturates the white fabric. I feel no remorse as I follow Dorian up another set of stairs.

"We're on the ground floor," he turns to me at a corner, "Listen to me, Atti. No matter what happens, you have to get out. Stetson is waiting for us at the edge of the wood and you need to get directly to him. I will cause a distraction, and you run as fast as you can and don't. look. back."

"Why are you talking like you're not coming with me?" I plead.

"I am, I'll be right behind you, but you worry about yourself, and we'll be okay."

I nod. "It's life and death, Atti. They will kill us if they catch us. So run," he says again slowly with more emphasis.

My heart is pounding so hard that my chest is hurting now, but we start moving and find a metal door at the end of a dark hallway.

Dorian turns and looks at me one last time before he pushes the door open to daylight that burns my eyes. I shield them to see a muddy field with a fence around it.

"Look," Dorian points to the woodline, and I can barely make out a figure there. It must be Stetson.

"This is where you run, as fast as you can. Ready?"

I nod vigorously and he runs out ahead of me. I bolt out the door and focus on nothing but running straight for the woods about fifty yards away. Every muscle in my body is screaming at me, and my lungs are already burning. Tears are streaming down my face and dust is clouding my vision.

All around me, I hear gunshots and the sounds of lasers. People are screaming over the sounds and I am tempted to look back. As I am almost to the wood, I hear Dorian scream.

I begin to whirl around to see what is happening and I am shoved hard from the middle of my back. "Go!" he screams as I tumble into the woodline.

Strong arms catch me and start pulling me away. "No, stop!" I scream at them. "Not without him!"

I turn back to see him coming right behind me. Dorian is running back toward the treeline from the middle of the muddled field when a loud whistle ignites ahead and hits the ground with a loud boom right next to his feet.

Dorian's body is thrown in the air, and his limbs flail as he freefalls to the ground. He lands with a thud heard from twenty yards away, and as the dust clears, I see him trying to get to his feet.

He rises to one knee and I lurch forward to run for him, but Stetson's grip tightens around me from behind and he screams "No! You can't! We have to leave, NOW!"

All I can hear are the booms and whistles around me as Dorian makes eye contact with me from across the field, all emotion drained from his face.

A man in red-colored, full-body armor runs up behind him, kicks him to his knees, and grasps a handful of his hair. He shoves a long gun into Dorian's back and fires.

"NO!" I scream at them as I struggle in Stetson's hold. I watch Dorian's blood splatter from his front as the armored man kicks Dorian forward and he falls on his face and doesn't move.

I gasp for air, I can't breathe. He's gone.

A/N: You hear it all the time, but trust the process. This was ridiculously hard for me to write. 

Even if you hate me right now...

As always, Love you 3000


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