13| L-bomb

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All was right with my world as classes resume for the next few weeks. Thanksgiving rolled around and I gave my mom a call and we talked for a long hour about all the things she's missing in Oregon including Stetson joining me here. She seemed pleased that I had someone around that knew me before I got here.

I mentioned Dorian in passing and she seemed excited that I was finally 'putting myself back out there' as she called it. And then she asked if I would be coming home for Christmas. I responded with a vague answer that could be summed up as "I don't know."

I didn't mention the weird dreams that seemed to increase in frequency in the last couple of weeks. I felt like I hadn't slept in days because I kept waking up drenched in sweat and trying, but failing, to remember where I had been and who that guy was in my dreams.

During Thanksgiving break, I had hung out with Stetson more than I had ever planned. We saw movies, went to a few parties, and hung out with my friends from last semester. Even Mia had called once or twice.

All the while, Dorian gave me space. I saw him twice during the break. Both times we talked, we watched movies at his place, and we had sex. Hot sex.

I had found that Dorian was pretty submissive. He begged, he did everything I demanded when we were in the bedroom, and then immediately after he went back to the same argumentative, secretive, and sad puppy that he'd always been.

I had found that Stetson was always exactly what he had been. We had always had so much in common and I had never realized it because Niko had put a damper on who I really was. Stetson was helping me remember myself and who I loved to be.

Neither of them cared to know what I was doing when I was with the other. Stetson assumed I had a boyfriend. He mentioned that, so far, he liked him more than Niko because I could be myself and be free to do what I wanted. And Dorian never asked what happened at the parties and other places I'd been when he wasn't with me. I assumed that the conversation that we'd had about Niko had sunk in for him.

Mia was having a Christmas party tonight and I thought I could introduce them. I knew Dorian didn't care for parties, but I thought if I asked him he might attend.

I sat on Dorian's couch as I waited for him to get out of the shower. He walked into the living room in just a pair of ripped jeans and wet hair and I groaned.

"What? Round two?" He chuckled.

"No." I bit my lip. "All we ever do is hang out here and have sex." I looked back at the tv.

"Did you want to do something else?" he asked as he scrubbed a towel over his wet hair.

"Well... we could go to a party." I hesitantly glanced at him. He was in a good mood after the afternoon activities, and I didn't want to ruin it.

"As what? Like a couple?" I cringed at his new question.

"Well, I mean. My friends are having a Christmas party to kick off the break and I thought you could come with."

He snorted. "Sure."

"Really?" I nearly squealed.

He pulled a t-shirt over his head and pushed his damp waves back with both hands.

"Uh... yeah. Why not?" He smiled.

This was the first time Dorian had agreed to go out with me. I was starting to think he didn't want anyone to know about me, but I knew better because he was glued to my side on campus and at any other chance he got.

My friends joked that he didn't exist and I was finally going to get the chance to prove them all wrong.

"Who's party?" he asked as he entered the kitchen and pulled down a glass from the cupboard.

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