14| Hot and Cold

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We arrived at Mia's party around eight-thirty, despite trying to not be late. I made Dorian spend an extra twenty minutes chasing me around his apartment for the shirt that I had stolen from him.

I was ecstatic to have brought him with me, but my head was still reeling from the words Dorian had said earlier. I love you... you love me, too.

When we entered the front door, Mia immediately caught sight of us and bolted to meet us at the door. "Well, well, well. Look who decided to show up this time. Nice to see you again, Dorian." A genuine smile took over her features.

"Thank you for having me." He nodded once. He leaned down and spoke in my ear over the music, "I need a drink."

It had just occurred to me that I had never seen Dorian drink. I thought this was his way of warning me before he left my side to find alcohol, but he stood next to me with his around thrown lazily around my shoulders.

Mia leaned in and lightly kissed my cheek in greeting, "I am so glad you came. There are drinks in the kitchen." She side-glanced at Dorian once more and spoke to my ear where only I could hear her. "He's hot."

I giggled at her compliment. "We'll be around." I reached up and laced my fingers with Dorian's fingers hanging over my shoulder to tug him in the direction of the kitchen.

When we reached the kitchen, his arms dropped from my shoulder as he scoured the counter for his drink of choice.

"Ew, eggnog? Who the fuck actually drinks this shit?" He put the bottle back down and grabbed a fifth of dark whiskey and a red cup. He poured a small amount into the cup and sipped it. He nodded his approval and looked back at me. My astoundment must have been written all over my face, because he said, "What?" with a small smile.

"I just don't think I've ever seen you drink." I moved in his direction and stopped right in front of him and looked up at him seductively.

"Mmm, I see I've started some sort of game with you." He grinned and his mouth suddenly looked delicious. I gently pressed my lips to his and he froze.

I pulled back and gave him a look of confusion, "What is it?"

"Just... we're in public... and that was a display of affection." He smiled as if he'd made a joke.

I rolled my eyes playfully and moved to make my own drink. "Don't flatter yourself; I'm in it for the win."

"Ah," he murmured. My back was to him and I could still hear the smile in that one syllable.

As I was pouring my drink, my mind went to Stetson and how he would react to meeting Dorian since I'd talked so much about him. Dorian wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, and strangely, even without alcohol, I was comfortable with his possessive show. I was closing the bottle of vodka and I heard him before I saw him.

"...be right back. Refill." His voice traveled nearer to the kitchen from the backyard.

When Stetson entered the kitchen and met my eyes, he stopped short. And then he grinned like a kid on Christmas.

"Athena!" He was already buzzing at least because he was talking louder than normal. I moved toward him and Dorian released me as I wrapped my arms around Stetson's neck.

One of Stetson's arms wrapped around my waist, squeezed, and released. He stepped back. "Good to see you, mate." His brown eyes shifted to the man behind me. "And you must be the unicorn!" He reached for Dorian's hand.

Dorian chuckled and extended his own hand to accept Stetson's gesture of friendship. Stetson pulled him into what I could only describe as a 'bro-hug'. Each one slung an arm around the other, patted their backs, and stepped back.

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