04| The Humor Tutor

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My eyes are too heavy to open, but I hear a constant whirring behind my head, and then a beep adds to the ambiance. Beep. Beep. Beep. The sounds continue as I try to open my eyes again. I fail. I can't move my head, I can't move anything.

I hear a conversation in the background. "How long has this been happening?" A male voice says.

"It's... recent." A second voice replies flatly. It sounds so distantly familiar that I try to open my eyes again.

"How recent?" There is a vicious irritation in the first male's voice this time.

"Just this week. She keeps terminating C-state on her own."

"She's not supposed to do anything on her own. I don't want her waking up. Her only brain activity should be what you are putting in there."

"Yes, sir. I was viewing the logs and I think that I may be able to fix it." I try again to open my eyes, but I fail. I try to speak and nothing comes out. Then, I begin to realize that I'm not breathing on my own. The tube down my throat is in the way.

"You better, or I swear to every god that I will-" My chest coughs of its own accord. The two men that had been speaking go silent. I hear nothing but the machines whirring and beeping.

All at once, there is a clattering and banging sound. I hear a hiss and then footsteps coming closer. They come closer and closer until they stop. I begin writhing in my head, fighting my body to move. I am screaming inside. 'Don't touch me! Who are you?!'

"Hand me that syringe," I hear the angry male say. 'No! Stop! Leave me alone!'

There is a quick scrape sound and then I start to fade into darkness.

I jolted awake again. It was dark outside my window now. I scrambled for my phone and peered at the time. 8:39. I had been asleep for 2 hours. It felt like minutes. I was disoriented and confused by the dream. It was so similar to the last one that I had. I couldn't wrap my brain around what they meant. My heart was pounding. I didn't like the feeling of not being able to move. I felt helpless and trapped inside my own head. Maybe I am trapped in my head.

I sighed and checked my phone again. I had an unopened text so I unlocked my phone hoping to hear from Dorian. I was disappointed when I saw that it was from Mia. 'I really am sorry.' She'd added a sad emoji. I rolled my eyes, blew out a breath, and pinched the bridge of my nose.

I was starving so I headed to the kitchenette to grab a snack. When I was satisfied with a bag of chips and salsa, I brought them back to my room to read. My mind was still rattled from the dream so I gave up on the book and gathered my things for a shower. Now that the bathroom was clean and warm from the space heater, a hot shower may help me relax.

After I washed my hair and scrubbed my body down, I got out and toweled off. Despite the fact that I had taken a two-hour nap, I was suddenly exhausted. I headed back to my room and wrapped myself in my blankets. Before I drifted off, I sent my mom a short text. 'Hi Mom, I love the duvet more every day. I miss you.' I rolled over to the window and drifted off again and this time it was only darkness and silence.

My alarm went off at seven and I groaned, but I rolled out of bed. I got dressed in groggy, slow motions. I rummaged through my wardrobe and found the closest warm piece of clothing I could find. A forest green sweater made of fleece. I stared at it for a while. I am reminded of Dorian's green eyes and light brown hair. As I shoved it over my head while minding the still-fresh bruise, I thought this may be my new favorite sweater. I pulled on a pair of long johns and then a pair of jeans. I just wanted to be warm and it was still snowing outside. I found my wool-lined snow boots and pulled them on. When I was fully dressed, I rolled my eyes at the loud snoring coming from Lori's room and grabbed my things. I shoved a beanie over my finger-combed waves and regretted falling asleep with wet hair. It was a mess. I was out the door in about ten minutes.

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