03| Weird Dreams & Sex *

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*This chapter contains a sexually explicit scene and strong language that some may not be comfortable with. There is a storyline piece in this chapter, but you can skip a couple of paragraphs if you don't want to read it.*

When I woke up in my bed, I was freezing. Despite the large duvet that my mom had gifted me before leaving for college, my toes were like ice. Mom. I haven't called her for a while. I threw back the blankets covering my legs and stuffed my feet in my slippers next to my bed. I headed off to the bathroom and froze when I opened the door. No, literally.

The window that had been left cracked had allowed the weather to invade. The shower-tub combo right under the window was filled with snow to the brim. It was overflowing onto the floor and the parts of the floor that weren't covered in snow were slick with ice. I stood at the bathroom door frantically wracking my brain about how to clean this up. Why the fuck did I choose to go to college in a place where it snows in fucking September?

I ran to the closet in my room where I kept my towels. I only had four total. I huffed and crossed my arms. I marched into Lori's room and gathered every towel I could find, trying my best not to touch too many of the dirty ones. Why does one woman need so many towels? I found a whole load of them in her room. I took them back to the bathroom and started spreading them flat across the ice on the floor while saving a pile for when those were soaked. I headed back to my bedroom and grabbed the small space heater from under my desk. I took it back to the bathroom and plugged it in just outside the door.

As the heater began whirring, I crossed my arms again and looked up at the open window. If the heater would ever have a chance at melting the ice, I would have to get that window closed, but I could barely reach it even while standing on the side of the tub. I tried anyway and gave up when I realized it was frozen open.

I know. Google! My best friend. I pulled out my phone intent on googling ideas to unfreeze the window or at least call the dorm supervisor and let her know what was going on. I froze when I saw a text from Dorian.

How did he even get my number? And his is saved in my phone. I skipped the message preview on the lock screen and unlocked my phone to read it.

Dorian: Hi, Atti. Sleep well?

Suddenly, I realized I had more questions to add to those about the exchange of phone numbers. I also didn't remember how I got to bed last night. I don't even remember seeing the end of the movie (though I'd seen it before). I started tapping a reply.

Me: When did we exchange numbers?

I waited a while for a reply and then the 'typing' bubble popped up. I bit my lip while I waited for his reply. Swish.

Dorian: You never gave me your number like a regular person, and I wanted to check up on you this morning because I left last night after you fell asleep.

I chewed on my lip and debated whether I should be upset by it.

Dorian: Did I overstep?

Any anger that I had dispersed. Of course, he didn't. Enough people on campus had it. What was one more? He predicted the future, I guess, because I need his help.

Me: No... actually, if you aren't busy, I could use some help with something in my dorm.


Dorian: Be there in 10.

A soft smile lifted the corners of my mouth. Suddenly, my stomach was doing flips. I had spent maybe 12 hours-total-with Dorian outside of lectures, and already he was getting under my skin. I haven't dated anyone since my high school boyfriend. Not really.

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