MSMC Bk 4 - Chapter 6

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Chapter 6-Manuel gets attacked

We pulled up to the front of my house and I looked up at it. This place was going to seem even more empty now than ever before. I paid the cab driver and walked up my steps and let myself in the house. I walked into the kitchen and that's when I felt a blow to the side of my head and everything went black.

Two days later.......

The next thing I know, I'm waking up in the hospital. The lights hitting the bright white walls are blinding and my head is pounding. And that damned beeping noise is irritating as hell. I lift my hand to cover my eyes when suddenly I hear Annalisa's voice.

"Daddy? Daddy, stay still. Crusher, can you please go call for the doctor?" Annalisa said.

"Annalisa? What are you doing here?" I tried to ask but my mouth felt like I had been sucking on a bottle of glue. "Can I have some water, please?"

Someone handed her a cup of water with a straw and she helped me take a sip. "Can someone please dim the lights? I can't stand the brightness." I said in little more than a whisper. "Damn, this is one hell of a hangover." I thought to myself.

Just then a man in a white coat stepped up next to the bed and said "Mr. Perez, my name is Dr. Atkinson. Can you tell me what you can see?"

"I can't stand to open my eyes. The light is too bright, it makes my head hurt." I said, starting to become concerned about what was going on.

"Dim the lights a bit please and close the blinds." the doctor instructed and suddenly it got less bright in the room. "Is that better?" He asked.

"Yes, much. Now I can see you. What happened? Why am I in the hospital?" I asked.

"What is the last thing you remember?" the doctor asked.

I thought for a moment, trying to remember but I felt like I was having a hard time waking up. Slowly the events of the previous day started to come back to me.

"The last thing I remember was coming home by taxi from a business meeting in town with my lawyer. I had just pushed open the door to the kitchen when suddenly I felt a pain behind my ear on the right side of my head and then everything went black. Did I trip and fall over and hit my head? I know I'd had a bit to drink but I wasn't that drunk." I admitted.

"Well, your blood alcohol limit was over the legal limit for driving but not enough that it would cause you to pass out or even to lose your balance. No sir, someone struck you from behind and knocked you out. Now, I'd like to check your optic responses to make sure your eyes are reacting properly but in order for me to do that, I have to shine a light in your eyes. It's going to be a bit uncomfortable but only for a second or two. Try to keep your eyes straight forward for now." he said as he lifted my left eyelid with one hand while he waved a small flashlight in my eyes with the other. When he flashed it across my right eye it was like he was jamming needles in my eyes.

"Ow, man that hurts." I said.

"Now follow my finger with just your eyes, don't move your head, please." Dr. Atkinson said. He waved his index finger back and forth in front of my face and my right eye felt like it was wandering away and it made me feel nauseous. He didn't say anything at first, just wrote something on a clipboard.

"Mr. Perez, you had a severe concussion but the thing that I was most concerned about was that where you were struck has caused some damage to your optic muscles but hopefully not the optic nerves. I want a specialist to check you out but I think that so long as you protect your eyes from the sun with some dark shades that we will provide to you and rest your eyes as much as possible, then you should be fine.

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