MSMC Bk 4 - Chapter 15

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Chapter 15- Rooster finds out he has a sister!

Claire's POV

In the two years that I've been on the run, I've learned that the Cobras are feared in most places and despised in all places. I had done a lot to keep a low profile and really regret letting that jackass, Stu, talk me into getting these double E boobs. He had made me believe that I could become the Dolly Parton of the west coast. Since I'm taller than Dolly, he said I had to have a larger size, he said it would make my waist look smaller. Stu had heard me singing in the nightclub where I had been working and asked me to join him for a drink after I was done with my set. I had noticed that the waiters had been extra attentive to him so I agreed.

Stu showered me with compliments and I guess I was gullible but after years of constantly being verbally abused and ridiculed plus the fact that I was barely 18 years old, I soaked it up and just prayed that he was going to treat me right. He made so many promises which sounded so good but two months later, I found out they were all lies.

Stu's big mistake was not making sure that this office door was closed all the way. I had come up to his office to let him know I had a follow up doctor's appointment the next day when I overheard him telling one of his men that he was going to be putting me on stage at his strip club as soon as I was healed, which would have been soon. But what really pissed me off was that I found out that if a customer paid him enough that he would require that we "entertain them privately" and that would include sex if the customer paid Stu enough. I wouldn't see a dime of that money, even if I had agreed to it and was told I wouldn't have a choice in the matter. Basically he was going to make me not only sing and dance for him but I was going to be expected to whore myself out to his customers. NOT HAPPENING!

When I found out about it, I was mad as a hornet, mostly because I felt like a fool for having believed his lies. I'd gone back to my room, packed my small suitcase and made tracks out the back door as fast as I could go. I caught a bus to Vegas, which was as far as the money I had would get me. For several months, I worked mostly in restaurant kitchens, which I loved and I learned so much from the chef, until I managed to get a job as a drinks girl on the floor of an out of the way casino.

I had really liked working in the kitchen but I earned more working on the floor serving drinks. The tips were awesome! I saved every penny that I could and was very thankful that one of the girls that I worked with took pity on me and let me crash at her apartment. I just had to help out with keeping her apartment clean and doing the majority of the cooking. I do love to cook!

Within 6 months I had finally saved up enough to buy my old car and thankfully it came with a full tank of gas because about three days later, my roommate, Kim, told me that there had been some Cobras at the casino passing around a picture of a girl with dirty blonde hair that looked about 17. I knew that they had found me. I told Kim that I was sorry for the short notice but I was going to leave that night.

Again, I packed my bag, ran to my car and got out of town. I barely had enough money to make it for more than another couple of tanks of gas and food but I was too scared to stop.

I spent several months zig zagging back and forth across the southern states until I landed here. I'd put the last of the little bit of money I had managed to earn filling up my gas tank and then I was about to fill my stomach at the diner. I nearly had heart failure when I heard the Harley's pull up outside the diner but was very relieved when the guys from the MSMC walked in and that they were not Cobras or Vipers as they headed to a table at the back of the diner.

Dana, the lady who had waited on me, delivered my food and told me that they were good guys and that I had nothing to worry about with them around. She had no clue of anything about me but apparently I had gone ghostly white when I had heard their bikes pull up.

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