MSMC Bk 4 - Chapter 14

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Chapter 14-BIG Surprise!

We had just finished eating and cleaning up our dishes when Kaylee came in with Sammy on her shoulder. He was fussy and Kaylee said "I think he has colic or something didn't sit well with him for his dinner. He did make a little pig out of himself but he wouldn't let go of the nipple of his bottle." She said as she rocked him back and forth. "I didn't think I would see you two until tomorrow morning. Have fun?" She couldn't help but tease.

"You bet we did." Dixie grinned at her as she took our son from her. "Hey, little man. What's wrong?" She cooed to our baby and began to rub his back instead of patting it. A minute later, Sammy let out a big burp and then settled back down and went back to sleep.

"Let me have him for a minute, please." I told her. "I missed him so much!" I took my son from Dixie and felt a great sense of contentment settle over me as he immediately curled up on my chest and made himself comfortable.

"So are you guys going to keep him with you tonight or do you want me to take him?" Kaylee asked.

"That's alright, Kaylee. We'll keep him. Where's Boomer?" I asked her.

"In the bar. That new sweet butt is here tonight and He really doesn't trust her and is keeping a close eye on her." Kaylee said. "He said she looks familiar but he can't put his finger on where he's seen her before. Hunter said the same thing."

"Here babe, take Sammy. Now, I've got to see what she looks like. I'll be up soon. I'm just going to check her out and maybe have a beer with Hunter and the boys and find out what they think." I told Dixie with a kiss on her cheek.

"Ok but don't stay down here long. You are mine tonight." Dixie said, giving me a look. I knew we were already both too sore to do anymore tonight but I love to cuddle with her just as much as she does with me. I was really looking forward to falling asleep with her in my arms tonight. I hadn't slept well the whole time I had been gone and told myself I would never go away and leave them for that long again.

I watched as Dixie and Kaylee climbed the stairs as I walked to the bar. As soon as I opened the door the music nearly knocked me over. It was so loud. I looked over at the prospect running the music and signaled him to turn it down a little. I stood looking around the room until I spotted the redhead. She stood by the bar with her back ramrod straight and her nose in the air and a look on her face that told me she was very aware of her surroundings. She had huge boobs and a butt that must make every man in here hard because we all seemed to like women who were well endowed in the booty. And Boomer and Hunter were right, she did look familiar.

The second she spotted me she began to make her way over to me but I ignored her as I began to walk over to the executive table. I could see Hunter and Boomer looking back and forth between me and her and I could almost tell where she was by the looks on their faces. I felt her latch on to my arm and I stopped and looked down at her. The music began to get softer as the song came to an end.

"You need something?" I asked her. It was now so quiet in here you could hear a pin drop as everyone listened in to what was going to go down.

"Yeah, just looking for a friend and you look like a nice guy." She stood really close to me as she held onto my arm. I could tell by looking at her and the sound of her voice that she already had a good buzz going on, even though she seemed fairly steady on her feet.

"Lady, if you can read then you can see I'm the president here and since I happen to know you've been around her before tonight then you know Dixie is my woman and I wouldn't trade her for you for any amount of money in the world. You had just better count yourself lucky she is not here right now or she would pull all of that fake red hair off of your head and probably pop those fake boobs. Now I suggest you get your hands off of me and either find a single man to fuck or leave. Personally, I'd prefer the second option. Keep making mistakes like this one and it will no longer be an option but a demand. Understand?"

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