MSMC Bk 4 - Chapter 8

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Chapter 8-Isabella goes to jail!

Eagle's POV

After Annalisa went up to bed, I rejoined my brothers around the dining room table. The cards had been put up and Rooster had called for a meeting to let them know what we would need to do.

Greggory came back with a large picture of Isabella that he said had been taken within the last year and we all had to agree that while she was a beautiful woman, Annalisa looked more like her father, who was also a very good looking man. But it was the way they each held themselves in a picture that made Annalisa beautiful in a different way. It was as if there was an inner light of goodness that showed in her eyes that made Annalisa truly beautiful whereas Isabella's beauty came from a bottle. Her coal black eyes, which were shaped similar to Annalisa's, were cold and hard. Annalisa's were a welcoming warm brown and more doe shaped.

You could see that Isabella was "cut from a different cloth" by the way she carried herself and the expression on her face that plainly showed she thought highly of herself. Annalisa on the other hand was one of the most humble people I had ever known and would give you the shirt off her back if you needed it. Isabella didn't look like she would help a person dying of thirst with a simple sip of water but would sit and drink an entire bottle of ice cold water while she watched the person die in front of her.

Everyone passed the picture around as Rooster told us all, "if you see her on the property, detain her and call the police. She and Mr. Perez are now officially divorced and while I don't know the details of the divorce decree, my understanding is she has no rights to anything here and is not to be allowed entry under any circumstances.

For the rest of our time here, we are going to take over from the guards who have been fired but because we are not outfitted to stay outside in this weather for extended periods of time, I want us to take turns, in shifts of three men each patrolling the entire ground floor. Look outside, make sure you are familiar with the prints currently in the snow so you will know if anyone is outside walking around since the last time you looked.

I'll ask Cookie to make sure we have coffee all night and we'll keep our same schedule as home. 3 men on duty for four hours each, that way everyone gets a chance to sleep. Tomorrow we are going to see about either hiring a different security company or getting an electronic security system installed. Until that's in place we will keep up the guard on the house." Rooster said. "Any questions?"

Crusher asked "Prez, how long do you think we are going to be here for?"

"I doubt if it will be for more than a week after Annalisa's father comes home. I want to be sure they have their security system in place before we go home." Rooster said.

"I'll take the first shift, since I will more than likely be at the hospital with Annalisa a lot so I'll take my turn now." I said.

"Good deal. I'll take the first shift too. Who else?" Rooster asked and Crusher held up his hand.

"Good. Bruiser, Jailer and Blades. You three take the next shift until midnight. Razor, Quizzer and Tracker, you three take the next shift at 4 am. Then Joker you will take Eagle's place and be with me and Crusher in the morning. We'll keep up this schedule until we can either get another guard company in here or Mr. Perez makes other arrangements. I suggest that the rest of you guys get some sleep because, believe me, midnight is going to get here before you know it and that 4 am shift can be a real bitch!" Rooster said.

He wanted to keep an eye on Joker. He still had not outgrown the practical jokes and Rooster would not tolerate it on a job, especially when it meant the safety of "family" was involved.

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