MSMC Bk 4 - Chapter 23

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Chapter 23-Annalisa & Eagle are expecting Twins!

The next morning, the baby monitor went off with Carmella calling "Mum, mum, mum, mum." Over and over again until I finally got up, pulled on my house robe and hurried over to her room.

"Good morning, lady bug." I smiled at her as she bounced up and down in her crib. Most of her vocabulary was still mostly baby gibberish but she was learning more words it seemed almost every day. "Mommy, I stinky." she said as I picked her up and carried her over to the changing table which was conveniently right next to the ensuite. I removed her soiled diaper and decided to give her a quick bath. "Oh, you sure did make a stinky. Come on, let's get you washed up and into some clean clothes before we go wake up Daddy."

"Dada?" She questioned me.

"Yes, Dada is still sleeping." I answered her. I quickly bathed her, got her into a cute outfit that Helena had bought for her that said "Papa's Princess" on the front with a little crown on the "P" for Princess, all in pink and white striped top and matching solid pink pants, socks and shoes. As usual, she didn't like having her hair brushed and kept wiggling until I told her that she wouldn't be able to ride in the car with us today if she didn't behave and be still so I could get the little pink hair bands in her hair. Her hair was getting long and it was almost to her shoulders now but it was still really curly and if I didn't put it up in pigtails it would be a tangled mess later.

As soon as I had her dressed, we walked over to our room and she let go of my hand to run to our bed. Thankfully, she still couldn't get on it by herself but that didn't stop her from trying. "Dada! Dada! UP! Dada!"

Eagle turned over and looked down at her. "Good morning, Princess!" He said, picking her up and rolled onto his back as he tossed her up in the air, catching her and then putting her down on the bed next to him and began tickling her.

"If you make her pee her diaper, you get to change her." I said as I sat down on the bed next to them.

"No problem. Maybe I should tickle you instead." He said as he grabbed me and pulled me down next to Carmella and began to tickle both of us until I started calling "Uncle".

I think Eagle was laughing almost as hard as Carmella and I were but soon he pulled me onto his lap and kissed me good morning. I was straddling his legs and could feel his morning wood pressed against my core and I teased him by grinding myself against him until he moaned and buried his face against my neck where he whispered "I wonder if any of the women are up that could watch her for an hour or so?"

"Sorry baby, but if we are leaving tomorrow, we've got a hell of a lot to do today. We've got to be at the doctor's office at 2 which means we'll need to leave here by 1:15 at the latest. My doctor's office is downtown. That will take at least an hour so we won't be back until close to 4 pm. We've got to get laundry done, our suitcases packed and we are going to need snacks and stuff for little miss here for the trip home. We need to stop somewhere and get diapers. I didn't realize that we're almost out until I went to change her this morning. I don't know about you, but I'm hungry!" I told him as I rolled off the bed and headed for the bathroom. I looked back over my shoulder and saw the disappointment on his face so I turned back and said. "I'll make it up to you tonight. Now, watch her while I use the bathroom and get ready." I gave him a quick kiss on his forehead and then went to grab some clothes before going to the bathroom.

I ran through the shower, to wash the smell of last nights sex sessions off of me, then brushed my teeth and hair. I quickly braided my hair and then pulled on my dress. Dresses were a lot more comfortable for me while I'm pregnant because they don't make me feel like they are trying to cut me in half. The sensation seemed to be worse this time around than I remember it being with Carmella. I also seemed to be bigger this time than I had been at the same stage with Carmella.

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