MSMC Bk 4 - Chapter 11

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Chapter 11-Manuel's hospital stay

Eagle and I had talked on the way to the hospital about whether we should tell Daddy about what has been going on at the house or to wait until he came home tomorrow. We both agreed that we should tell him tonight in case he became agitated and needed to be sedated because I knew he was going to blow a gasket when he heard about not only Isabella but the security guards.

As soon as the nurses collected the leftovers and Dr. Burgess left the room, I asked Daddy if there was anything else he wanted and he said no but seemed to pick up that we had something to tell him.

"Okay, what's wrong?" He asked, looking back and forth between me and Eagle.

I pulled my chair closer to his bed and said "Now, Daddy, don't lose your cool because we've taken care of everything, okay?"

"Spit it out, girl. What has happened? Something tells me this has to do with Isabella, am I right?" Daddy guessed correctly.

"Yes, sir. She tried to break into the house last night through Helena's bedroom window but we caught her and she's been arrested for more than just breaking and entering." I told him, dreading telling him the next part.

"What did she come with a gun?" He guessed.

"No sir but she did admit to trying to drown me when I was an infant. She said if it hadn't been for Helena interrupting her she would have succeeded too." I told him and watched him closely.

Daddy had gone completely white in the face and for a second it seemed as if he couldn't breathe but as soon as he got his breath back, he found his voice and his face got bright red!

"WHAT?" He yelled.

"Now Daddy, calm down or they will kick us out of here and sedate you and that might delay your being able to come home tomorrow." I told him and while I could tell he was still very upset, he stopped yelling.

"Tell me exactly what happened." He said. For the next half an hour I explained about what had happened at home last night. He only yelled again when he found out about the guards and nearly threw my phone when I showed him the pictures but I managed to get it away from him before he broke it.

"Man, this has been one hell of a week. I can't believe she had the nerve to come back to the house after I told her never to darken my doorstep again and you were right to have her charged with attempted murder. Tomorrow I'm going to call Brad and have him add the list of charges we have against her. We have photographic proof. Has Connie said anything about what she's come up with?"

"No sir. We've barely seen her. She's been holed up in your office most of the time." I told him.

"Crusher hasn't been in there with her has he?" Daddy grinned at me.

"No sir. Crusher has been working, taking up the slack for the guards we fired. And that brings up the next thing we have to talk to you about. We're having electronic security companies come out and give us quotes to make sure that anyone who comes in the house, we will know about it because if they don't know a code they will be assigned an alarm will go off.

We also had a man named Kevin Donaldson come out to the house today. Kevin has 6 of the most impressive dogs you have ever seen and we all think you should hire him instead of more deadbeat men to guard the house." I went on to explain about Kevin and what he had shown us today and about how the dogs had been with Carmella and he was impressed.

"I'll look forward to meeting him tomorrow. Have him come early and let's get the ball rolling. I'm sick of having a revolving door of so-called guards working for me." Daddy said. "What does he want in the way of pay?"

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