MSMC Bk 4 - Chapter 12

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Chapter 12-Manuel comes home & Kevin gets hired.

We got home within 20 minutes because the morning rush hour was over by that time and as we pulled into the driveway, I was surprised to see that Kevin's truck was already here.

"Well, looks like someone is eager. He's not due to be here for another half an hour." I said but I had a feeling that Cookie had something to do with it.

The dogs were still in their traveling cage and they began to bark when Daddy got out of the car. "Wow, I know I would definitely think twice about coming into the yard with them on duty. I'm not going to have to be afraid to come out of my own home now am I?" Daddy asked as he got out and looked towards the truck but made no move to approach it.

Just then Kevin stepped out of the house and whistled to the dogs and they immediately got quiet.

"Hmmm. Impressive." Daddy mumbled then he turned to watch Kevin approach us.

"So sorry sir. They have not been introduced to you yet, nor have I. My name is Kevin Donaldson." Kevin said and stuck out his hand to daddy.

"Nice to meet you, Kevin. My name is Manuel Perez. I've been looking forward to seeing what you dogs can do ever since my daughter and son in law told me about them last night. Can you show me now?" Daddy said.

"Well, I can show you some of it but Jace, my body dummy, hasn't shown up yet so that part may have to wait." Kevin said and glanced at his watch. He expected Jace any time now and hoped he would be here by the time he got the dogs unloaded.

"That's fine. Perhaps he will be here soon." Daddy said.

"We normally come together but Jace had somewhere he had to be this morning so I just came ahead without him. Please wait here while I unload my crew." Kevin said and began to walk towards his truck. As he began to unload the dogs, Jace pulled up in a beat up old pick up truck and seeing us standing outside, hurried to pull out his suit and put it on.

As soon as the dogs were sitting obediently behind the truck, Kevin walked over and helped Jace secure the straps on the back of the suit making it so that it couldn't come undone during the demonstration. Then Jace went to hide near the entrance to the driveway. Kevin returned to stand by his dogs who were sitting obediently waiting for his command.

"Mr. Perez, this is my crew. This is Bruiser, Ruth, Dragon, Chewy, Annabell and Crash." Each dog stood up as their names were called but did not move from their spot.

Kevin put them through their paces the same as he had the day before and Eagle was the "attacker" this time. Daddy was already very impressed but I think what drove the deal home was when we took Kevin and the dogs inside to see Carmella again was what sold him, just as it had for us the day before.

Again Ruth was very protective of Carmella and stayed very close to her and Carmella was thrilled. She crawled all over the dog and Ruth didn't seem to mind one bit.

"Well, Kevin, your dogs have truly impressed me with their ability to guard my home and family but it's truly amazing to see that no matter how fierce they are in their guard duties, they would never harm my grandchildren. Would you like to step into my office and we'll talk about sealing this deal?" Daddy said.

"Yes, sir, I'd like that very much." Kevin said with a big smile.

I turned and looked towards the kitchen and saw Cookie with a huge smile on her face. I went in to find out if she had had a chance to talk to Kevin.

"So? Did you get a chance to talk to Kevin?" I asked as soon as I entered the kitchen.

"Yes! He's so nice and so very handsome. Yesterday I barely got to see what he looked like but this morning he came not long after you left. I gave him a bun and some coffee and we sat and talked for a while. He told me that he's really hoping that he gets hired on here today, not only because of this current situation but he said "this place will have added benefits that I have never dared to hope for before".

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