MSMC Bk 4- Chapter 10

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Chapter 10-Kevin & his "crew"

We all enjoyed a delicious, as usual, lunch and finished up just as Kevin Donaldson rang the doorbell.

Greggory let him in and we all stepped into the foyer to meet him. After formal introductions were made, Eagle stepped up and told him that we had met Mr. Grayson today who had highly recommended him and also the conversation that was to lead them to wanting to have a shooting competition this weekend.

"I shall look forward to that but I'm here to impress you with my dogs. If you will pull on your coats, I'll show you what they can do. Please come outside when you are ready." Kevin said and left the house.

We all pulled on our coats and I made a mental note about going shopping for snow boots. My old ones were no good anymore, having been well worn before I left but had begun to rot over the years of sitting unused, as had many of my shoes. I had gained weight since I had lived here, especially since I had given birth to Carmella, so I really did need to do some shopping for clothes while I was here. Not to mention that I was going to be needing maternity clothes soon. I had given everything I had with Carmella away, figuring she was going to be my only child. Maybe once Daddy was home from the hospital, we could take a day and go to the mall.

All of the men joined us and as we stepped out of the front door, we found Kevin standing in front of six very large Rottweiler's lined up in a row at attention. There was also a man in a heavily padded suit standing off to one side and I was curious to know what his role was going to be.

"Everyone, this is my crew. "Bruiser, Ruthless who we call Ruth, Dragon, Chewy, Annabell and last but by no means least, Crash." All of the dogs stood up as their names were called.

"Very impressive looking." Eagle said. "How do they tell the difference between family and an intruder?"

"Well, once we are hired, I "introduce" them to every member of the household, allow them to smell you, perhaps lick your hand, hear the sound of your voice and that teaches them not only who to not attack but who to protect." Kevin explained. "Anyone who comes on property will be identified as either family or as a guest. They have been trained to accept both."

"What about if a former employee, who is no longer welcome on property, were to enter the grounds?" Rooster asked.

"They would be seen as an intruder and treated accordingly." Kevin told us.

"How would they know when someone has left us and is no longer welcome?" Eagle asked.

"I would change their protection command. Hopefully you don't fire people over the phone. I can't change a command unless the dogs can scent him or her before they leave." Kevin said.

"What if a family member were to strike or attack another family member or a guest were to attack a family member?" Crusher asked.

"I'm glad you asked that. If I can have a couple of volunteers, I'll demonstrate. Don't worry, you will all be perfectly safe. My dogs will not hurt you unless I give the command." Kevin said with a smile when everyone but Rooster and Eagle took an involuntary step back, including me.

After looking around and realizing they had just "volunteered", they muttered, "Shit" and both Rooster and Eagle slowly walked towards Kevin and his "crew". Kevin "introduced" them to the dogs and then explained what he wanted them to do. Both men nodded and stepped away to face each other. Kevin ordered two of the dogs, Bruiser and Crash, to attention away from the others.

The two dogs stepped forward to where Kevin directed them and they both watched Rooster and Eagle closely.

"Are you sure they are not going to bite me?" Rooster asked nervously, eyeing up the two dogs. "Just having them look at me like a piece of fresh meat is making me nervous." He admitted and everyone chuckled but wouldn't trade places with him for anything right now.

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