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43 ABY


Although the war was over, the Confederation, Dominion of Allied Empires, and Hapes Consortium refused to join with the Alliance, current leading Galactic Alliance Chief of State Natasi Daala was calling a Unification Summit in an attempt to unite the galaxy. However, blame for Darth Caedus's power would ultimately be placed on the Eternal Order. Luke Skywalker, a day ago was placed under arrest and later exiled by Daala.

Following the end of the Second Galactic Civil War, Dj's fiancé Jaina Solo overtime believed that her twin brother, Jacen Solo had achieved his dream of galactic peace, sacrificing his name, his reputation, and ultimately, his life to do so.

Even though a period of stability is required in order to allow the galaxy to recover, the second civil war had erupted, and turned out to be one of the greatest scourges of the last aeon. Although the length of this war paled in comparison to the first Galactic Civil War, this conflict had, in a sense of irony, destroyed the fledgling peace and order throughout the Galaxy in just over a yea. In addition, though Chief of State Daala promised peace throughout the galaxy during her inauguration, that peace was soon destroyed when Daala and the Eternal Order began to engage in a political war of wills.


Senate Building

Senate Chamber

Senate Chamber

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"My friends, it is my promise to you here today that sometime in the not-too-distant future, we will live in a galaxy where our space navies exist to better our societies, not defend them-where we won't need ANY Force-Sensitives to sort out our di...

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"My friends, it is my promise to you here today that sometime in the not-too-distant future, we will live in a galaxy where our space navies exist to better our societies, not defend them-where we won't need ANY Force-Sensitives to sort out our differences and mete out justice, because we will be living under a government that is just." Nastasi Dalaa announced in a firm, cold, and somewhat feminine voice and soon - thousands of citizens and senators cheered and clapped their hands together in unison over the matter Dalaa was stating in her inauguration.

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