Ever since the Taychon Incident and the Merge/Convergence the timeline has changed, making the entire multiverse and Omniverse come together. Different versions of multiple planets as well as individuals have appeared and have adapted to their curre...
Two years after the Second Galactic Civil War. . .
Zonama Sekot
Magister's Palace
Morning had risen and Dj awoke from his king sized bed, stretching and yawning quietly as he did not want to wake his other wives who were sleeping peacefully. All except for one, who left due to a death in the family.
Delvargus went to the nearby refresher and after brushing his teeth he looked in the mirror and imagined the one who had left beside him, holding his hand.
Afternoon. .
Joey: I'm taking a leave of absence from the Eternals' for a while. Don't know when I'll be back.
Dj: Whatever the Force wills, my brother.
Joseph: And don't even think of taking the lightsaber I'm making.
Dj chuckles. "Don't worry I won't. May the Force be with you."
Joey nods. "And you."
Joey boards the Sinister and leaves Zonama.
43 ABY
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Eternal Master Kyp Durron, and Joseph Kirkpatrickwere on Yavin Four defending a recently made Habitat from a few Lost Tribe of Sith warriors.
Kyp swung his yellow space sword leftward and Joseph ducked as told by Kyp and the last Lost Sith was killed. Yavin Four was well defended.
Kyp extends a hand to the brown haired male and the tall, Separatist man wearing a hat takes it.
Kyp: You alright?
Joey: Never better.
50 ABY
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