Ever since the Taychon Incident and the Merge/Convergence the timeline has changed, making the entire multiverse and Omniverse come together. Different versions of multiple planets as well as individuals have appeared and have adapted to their curre...
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Mirkwood, a dense and heavy woodland that made up much of the eastern portion of Rhovanion or Wilderland, that maintained its borders and relative shape for many ages. Its natural land features included in the northern part of the forest,the Mountains of Mirkwood, a sizable river referred to in J.R.R. Tolkien's map as the Forest River, that ran from the Grey Mountains down to Long Lake, and a smaller river that ran from the Mountains of Mirkwood to join with the Forest River west of the Elvenking'sHalls. This smaller river was enchanted to such an extent that it caused slumber and forgetfulness to anyone who fell into it
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"Graa. . . is it me, or is it getting colder the more I prepare this spell of Sithspawn?" Mel the Fox thought and questioned to herself feeling Mirkwood's climate which is relatively mild.
Mel studied every single pathway in Mirkwood, Except for ways through the thickets of the forest, there are very few common routes through Mirkwood save for the Old Forest Road and the Forest Path. Mirkwood was approximately six hundred miles long from north to south, and two hundred and fifty miles across at its width.
Levitating with a clean bowl in front of her, with it, now a leaf, an Overlanders heart, and now. . . a drop of blood from her arm which slightly cut with her small Vibroblade.
And with that, Mel began to state her incantations and begin the ritual.
"Out of the dark well of night they came, creatures born to the coldness of space. Devouring planets, swallowing stars, eating souls and drawing all ships to their DEATHS!"