
7 3 2

137 ABY

Zonama Sekot

Dragon's Cave

The Trinity, also known to the Eternal Order as the Three, who are Ker'ih, Talsa-ko, and Charal were about to perform another Resurrection Ritual in an Oubliette.

"I hope we can do this." Said Talsa-ko. Talsa-ko is a female Voss Mystic who lived during the Galactic War between the Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire. Like Sana-Rae, being a Voss, and thus not aligned to either "side" of the Force, also like Sana-Rae, Talsa-ko is well respected by her peers, able to build up a coalition of Sith and Jedi alike, giving the Eternal Order e a great advantage over any of their foes. Talsa-ko believed in a balance between the light and dark sides of the Force.

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