
3 2 0

140 ABY

Exegol. . .

Cosinga Palpatine looks over dozens of Sith Acolytes cheering and chanting his name.

The Dark Lord smiles in his appeasement.

Lord Exar Kun: *[realizes that Palpatine is not on the planet]* *[leads his friends back to the Empress's ship]* *[to Anastasia]* He's not here.

Anastasia: *[is equally relieved and vexed]* Will you help us track him down?

Lord Exar Kun: We can definitely do that, after we've reported in. That won't take us long.

Lord Exar Kun: *[realizes that Palpatine is not on the planet]* *[leads his friends back to the Empress's ship]* *[to Anastasia]* He's not here.

Anastasia: *[is equally relieved and vexed]* Will you help us track him down?

Lord Exar Kun: We can definitely do that, after we've reported in. That won't take us long.

Just then everyone receives a holographic livestream from Emperor Palpatine. "Hello my friends, it's been a while."

Palpatine(hologram): For years you have followed the wrong Empress. Now that I have returned. Come follow me.

Anastasia: Say that to my face in my own home if you truly believe that.

Palpatine(hologram): All worlds. Surrender or die!

Ajan Kloss

After a series of missions, Poe Dameron, Finn, Chewbacca, C-3PO, BB-8, and D-O, Rey acquire the Emperor's wayfinder.

"The Final Order wins by making us think we're alone. But we're not alone. Good people will fight if we lead them!"

Sentress: Nice speech.

Huntress smirks. "Yeess. Very nice speech Commander Dameron. But be warned: despite Palpatine brainwashing them to the brim, those Imperials are all still MY children that I birthed into existence!"

All members of the Eternal Freedom Alliance vow to not kill Huntress's children' in any way possible which deeply pleases the 'Mother of the Empire.'

Through information acquired from D-O, a droid that had been owned by a Sith cultist, Ochi, the Freedom Alliance learns that the Sith fleet required a signal from a navigation tower in order to deploy off of Exegol, and devised a battle strategy to take out the tower. Poe Dameron and Finn, the former who had become the leading general of the Resistance after Organa's death, sent General Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca on Landos New Millennium Falcon to the Core Worlds to try and find more allies to aid them.

Sentress looks at Landos new falcon given to him by Huntress and her husband: Grand General Joseph Kirkpatrick. "Nice ship Lando," Sentress says. "and I think I can help you with gathering some moreallies." Sentress says smirking.

Elsewhere. . .

Cosinga Palpatine contacted the First Order's Allegiant General Enric Pryde, who, as an Imperial veteran,had previously served the Emperor, allowed Sidious to formally take charge of the First Order, which gained the Sith fleet in order to increase their resources so they can become strong enough to restore the Empire. General Pryde subsequently pledged his personal allegiance to Emperor Cosinga Palpatine.


ote: Next, The Revelation!

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