Ever since the Taychon Incident and the Merge/Convergence the timeline has changed, making the entire multiverse and Omniverse come together. Different versions of multiple planets as well as individuals have appeared and have adapted to their curre...
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The black emptiness of space was met by the sudden appearance of a ship exiting hyperspace. Joseph Kirkpatrick stared out the porthole from station Alpha, and sighed. The Imperial starship Admonitor was exactly on time-as always. Joseph eased out of his comfy command chair, and hobbled over to the comm station. His prosthetic arm was old, and somewhat worn, but still was functioning perfectly. He stared out at the dagger shaped hull of a Star Destroyer, and sighed again. He reached for the comm switch and casually flipped it on.
"Research Station Alpha, this is the Imperial Star Destroyer Admonitor Do you copy?" Someone asked in a very professional, calm and yet slightly cold Coruscanti accent.
"Uh, roger that Star Destroyer, this is Grand General Joseph Kirkpatrick of the Separatist Alliance and Silver Squadron. I read you, over." Joey, during the War of 1812, World War I and II had practiced radio calls for years. Sometimes, he lets the techs, hie wife Nicole or someone else handle the comms, but like his slightly younger brother Delvargus, he was a hands-on person.
"Kids..." Joseph muttered under his breath. "Where are they when you need 'em?"
"Station Alpha, this is Commander Voss Parck of the Imperial Star Destroyer Admonitor. Prepare to receive a landing party." It was a new voice this time. Calm and controlled, like the comm officer.
"Roger that Admonitor, we'll be waiting for you. Over, out." Joseph was pretty sure his comm procedure was out of date, but he hoped they got the idea. He let a smile form on his mouth at the thought of his time with the Separatist fleet, before the rise of the Empire. He reached over to the in-station intercom.
Joseph leaned back on his command chair with the Original and Genesis Wave Niphal sitting on his lap, sidr by side. At the security viewing room as the hanger bay was depressurized, the three shuttles landed, and re-pressurized He motioned three of his guards to follow him down to the hanger bay. He positioned himself in front of the middle transport to meet with Cpt. Parck, providing he came. Probably just send some Lt. down, Blice figured. The doors to the shuttles opened with a loud hiss of hydraulics. Stormtroopers, clad in white armor and carrying heavy E-10 blasters marched out, three across and three deep. However, no officer came out of the middle transport. Blice looked over at the other two, and saw an officer exiting the one on the right. What the... Blice wondered. Since when does the officer exit the rightmost transport? He hobbled over to it, and nodded to the officer.