chapter 3

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"So you're telling me you picked up some vip card. Went to the wrong terminal, fell in front of thousands of journalists-" Noha began.

"Only five" Y/n hissed.

Nathalie continued: "Right, then the guard let you in, you stepped inside a private jet and somehow couldn't tell that it wasn't a normal plane.".

"You know I've-".

"Never flown before, right. And then you magically come into contact with Neymar fucking jr. He basically kidnaps you, and now we're all here, happily in Rio de janeiro" Jules finished.

"Right" I answer.

Nathalie placed her hands on her head. "You realise just how unbelievable that is, right?".

"Natalie-" Y/n looked straight into her eyes. "I still think I'm dreaming".

It's been an hour since Y/n landed in Rio de janeiro and the last thirty minutes were spent recounting the story.

Rebecca rented a car and was now driving to the mini casa de potencial. The preliminary round is 'fairly simple'. Impress the crowd. The top eight groups pass, the rest go back home.

"Are we there yet?" The dude whined.

"We are actually".

They rode out the tunnel and the mini casa de potencial came into view. The name was ill-fitting, there was nothing miniature about it. A huge sign was in the air, the name proudly displayed in silver. If this was the mini casa, y/n could only shiver at the thought of the original.

The weather was hot, the streets surrounded by green grass and beautiful waters in the distance. Everything seemed magical.

Rebecca drove closer and the anticipation in the air was suffocating.
"I already see some paparazzi, so quick roll call. Who do we have here and how did you start dancing?" She looked at them through the rear view mirror.

"Noor p'hoere. Did ballet as a child" Noha started. Rebecca turned her gaze over.

Jules let out a gigantic groan. "I can't- okay, Venus the carry, jazz dancer since ten".

Rebecca looked to her sister. "Naihara Welmami, freestyle dancer since fourteen".

Finally, her gaze traveled to y/n.
"Linda Falsey, street dancer since fifteen".

Rebecca nodded her head in approval, the dude next to her was too transfixed to say anything. They rode on further until Rebecca parked into a spot surrounded by security. They could already hear cameras flashing, men and women screaming questions left and right.

Rebecca opened the door first, casual and confident in the way she stepped out and opened the door for the rest.

"This is where you take the spotlight" she said. "Own it".

She stepped aside and allowed them to come out. Noha started, walking out timidly and blinking at all the lights. Then came Jules, whose mouth came into a vicious snarl as soon as someone screamed a question. Natalie was fairly okay, a bit awkward as she almost tripped. Y/n wasn't too far off, awkwardly smiling at everyone.

"What do you think of your competition?" One journalist shoved a mic into her face.

"Oh- uh".

"What competition?" Jules answered in her stead.

"Is there anyone you're hoping to meet?". Y/n's mind flashed to the airplane. The smooth voice, hazel eyes and pressure around her hand.

"Yes, actually".

"Are you referring to a footballer?".
Shit, y/n thought. I shouldn't have said that. "Maybe" she replied vaguely.

"Richarlison is kinda hot" Jules joked, making Noha and Natalie hit her lightly. "You know I'm right!".

"Is there anything you wish to say to the public?".

They all froze, thinking. To think the world is listening to you is unbelievable. This would be their first impression, their mark, their message.

"Prepare yourselves" Jules said.

Y/n couldn't help but let herself smile, a sudden boost of confidence running through her veins. "We're about to change the dance world" she added. Big talk, but she can back it up.

The four girls moved away from the journalists and moved ahead, led by the many security guards.

"I can't believe you guys" Noha sighed, despite all that, a proud grin was on her face.

"You're actually insane. Now there'll be expectations".

Jules and y/n looked at each other, shrugging. "Expectations we can live up to".

All Natalie did was shake her head. They ended up inside the building. The carpets were red, the walls black and furniture so shiny it could blind you.

A lady came out and escorted them up the elevator. Once they reached the highest floor, she led them to their rooms. Her voice had a thick accent: "by tomorrow you come out, understand?".

All they could do was nod. Relatively tired, y/n's hand closed around the doorknob and pushed.

"Oh my days" she mumbled. The bed was gigantic, everything so clean you could call it a mirror. Her suitcase was in the corner. How did they bring it in so fast?

Deciding to pay no attention to that, she collapsed on the bed and decided to sleep. The last twenty four hours were probably the most interesting she'll ever have in her life.

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