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Fleurant's performance was beautiful. It was fierce, it was elegant, it captured the essence of dance and creativity, and y/n's palms were starting to sweat.

"Don't get cold feet now" Noha jested lightly.

"Anything they can do, we can do better" Natalie added, and despite the fact her leg was twitching anxiously, she seemed to have all the confidence in the world.

"Hey Noha" Jules started.

Everyone paid attention to listen to her. They only had a few seconds now, and the crowd was still cheering wildly.

"You said you wanted glory, right? To be on the world's stage and have the crowd screaming your name?" Jules asked this in a way that didn't seem like a question.

Nevertheless, Noha still answered. "I did"

"Here it is. Glory. The world's stage. Now all we need is some cheers".

The crowd stilled. A commentator started talking, speaking about chaoticus in a rather flattering way. He called them 'beautifully chaotic', that they were unpredictable in the best way.

And then it was time to go on stage.

It was daunting, it was exhilarating. It was everything y/n had expected and more.

The music started, and y/n gave it her absolute all. She thought to herself that if she were to die today, she would die happily knowing she gave the best performance she ever did.

She thought to herself that this was the peak of self-fulfillment. Of happiness.
Y/n realised that the cheerleader cup wasn't the biggest prize in this competition. It was satisfaction. So when the music stopped and the crowd screamed her name, y/n had satisfaction in its highest form. To the point nothing else mattered.

Sweat dripped off her body, the air was thrumming with excitement and hollers and cheers. Y/n stood next to a smiling Noha, who stood next to a smirking Jules, who stood next to a laughing Nathalie.

On the other side, a seemingly excited Vera stood next to a non-scowling Ula, who stood next to their equally happy looking teammates.

Now here comes the verdict. Funnily enough, y/n didn't care as much as she thought she would. She found herself thinking that even if she lost, she'd be happy.

"I love you guys" she whispered to her friends.

"Ew, don't sound so cringe" Jules still smiled regardless. "I love you too though".

"As do I" Noha added.

"And me too" Nathalie tacked on.

The announcer's voice cut through the air. "Now to announce the cheerleader cup!". Everything quieted down. Y/n could practically feel the cameras zooming into her face. Wether to capture her sorrow or happiness, well, only time will tell.

"As regards to Fleurant, the elegant ladies from paris. And Chaoticus, the beautifully chaotic women from Belgium. The winner is...".

Y/n held her breath. Imagined herself diving underwater, before coming right up to the surface. To the smell of the sea, and the sun on her face.


And then her heart lifted, and she jumped, she screamed, she squealed. She hugged her friends as she thanked them. She thanked them over and over, she thanked any divine entity that existed. "No way" she breathed, finally able to find words. "What the actual fuck, no way".

"We did it" Noha's eyes started to tear. "Dear lord, we actually did it".

"I told you we could" Jules said, even though she herself sounded flabbergasted.

Natalie couldn't find any words, she just pushed into them more, giving them the biggest hug they've ever gotten from her.

Then it dawned on y/n. With her win came Fleurant's loss. Vera's loss.

She pulled away from the hug and looked at the other side of the podium. Ula's face seemed stoic at first glance, but y/n could recognise the sadness flickering through. Grace and Giula cried outright, and y/n found it heartwrenching. Then finally, Vera's face was hidden from her.

Y/n walked over. Ula didn't attempt to stop her, letting y/n throw her arms around Vera and squeeze.

"You were fucking brilliant" y/n praised,  meaning it with every fibre of her being. "When I saw you perform, I shat myself. I genuinely thought we wouldn't be able to compare".

Vera let out a little laugh. "But you did, and you won. Felicitations, ma amie. If I was to lose to anyone, I was hoping it'd be you".

"You-" y/n tried to say something, only to get a finger on her lips.

"I need to go comfort Ula now, she's clearly trying her hardest to bottle it all up. Not to mention-" Vera's eyes trailed to the side, landing on something behind  y/n.

"You have your own love you have to get to. You've been waiting to kiss him for a while, non?".

Y/n turned around. And everything faded, all she could see was him. She walked forward, as if in a trance. And when they finally, finally met, she cried.

Panicked, Neymar brushed her tears away. "What's wrong, Linda?".

"Don't call me that" Y/n grinned at him, tears still streaming down.

"What's wrong y/n?" he asked again. And she missed this. Missed him. Missed his voice and the way he'd say her name.

"Again" y/n ordered. "Say my name again".

"Y/n" he whispered, saying it as if it were a prayer. And all the words she had wanted to say to him for the past weeks seemed to vanish.

Unable to talk, she took the second best thing. Not caring if anyone would see, in fact, she hoped that everyone would. That they'd zoom the cameras into them and plaster the photos tomorrow in newspapers. Y/n kissed Neymar, trying to put everything she felt into it.

Her tears made it slightly salty, but y/n could feel him breathe, could smell his scent. He was real, and right infront of her, and hers.

"Congratulations" she said as they broke apart. "You're a champion".

"As are you" he said, eyes twinkling. "This is only the beginning for you, you're beautiful, you're a star".

"You think so?" Y/n murmured, slightly embarrassed by the praise.

He leaned in for another kiss. "I know so".

"I love you" y/n said, and that didn't feel like enough. It was as if language alone couldn't express just how much she had fallen for him. "I love you" she repeated, frustrated that she couldn't say more.

"You're my everything" he professed. "Every day I thought about you. Every night I'd toss and turn, praying that somehow you'd come lie next to me".

"Stop, now you're just getting cheesy" y/n giggled, face bursting in flames.

"I mean it" he gave her one last kiss, short and sweet. "You and I, as a couple, have some real potential".

"Haha, endless amounts I'd say".

"Boundless potential even, so what do you say? Wanna be y/n da silva santos one day?".

Y/n blinked, before smiling so wide her lips could tear. "It would be my honour".


This is it. Boundless potential....has ended. Wow, it's actually insane. I never thought I'd come this far.

Honestly if this ending feels rushed that's because it is, I slowly started falling out of love with writing this story, so I wanted to wrap it up before I seriously messed the plotline.

Will there be any other fanfictions to come? Most likely, yeah. If I sort my ideas out and everything I'm sure this won't be the only fanfiction on my profile.

Though we must part for now, hopefully I'll see some of you wonderful readers by my next projects!

Man, this feels weirdly sad to say. But thank you so much, and I'll see you again(hopefully) someday!

Yours truly,

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