chapter 17

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When y/n heard his question, something seemed to crack. It was as if her mirror of reality had shattered into pieces. Her mind was blank, until she could only grasp one thing. Two words.
He knows, she thought, the dread setting in fully.

Hazel eyes stared into hers, and what was once warm and fluttering butterflies sunk deep into her stomach like stone. He knows.

Their breaths intermingled, their heartbeats both fast. And y/n was still at a loss for words. He knows.

"I-" she didn't know what to say.
How did he know? What would he do now? What was going to happen to her, or to her friends?

"Woah" Neymar said, looking panicked. "Hey, listen, just-". 

She feels the tremors running through her body. Neymar's eyes widened, clearly not expecting the girl to react in such a visceral way.

Y/n couldn't help it, she messed up, she messed up bad. This was going to be the end of everything. Neymar would tell on her and she'd be screwed. Her friends would be screwed.

"Neymar-" she started, wracking her brain to say anything, to do anything.

Neymar shushed her. Placing a soft hand on her head, he gave her a singular stroke before retreating backwards. "I'm insulted" he smiled. "To think you believe I would snitch, on you-.

Then he shrugged playfully, still keeping a smile on his face. "No, no, no" he wagged his finger, sing-songing in such a mocking way y/n felt the sudden urge to slap him.

Then he looked back at her, and his smile turned feral. "I'm more prone to blackmail, you see".

"Blackmail" she repeated, dumbfounded.

"Yes, blackmail" he looked proud of himself, swinging his legs in excitement. "What do you suppose a man's silence is worth, hm? What should I ask in return for keeping this secret?".

This bitch. He couldn't be serious, this is his reaction to all of this? Just how long has he known to be able to brush it off so easily, to be so bold as to try and *blackmail* her?

Y/n's head was already hurting before, but now it throbbed with a deeper intensity.

"Go fuck yourself" she ended up saying first. She'd never be reduced to a pleading mess, what was he expecting?
For her to get on her knees and say: 'please, I'll do anything!'.

"Alright, then let me just message the cheerleader cup commity real quick. I'm sure this story will shake even the most stoic of them, and imagine the headlines, linda-" he said that name now with so much condescension. "I can't wait. Trust me you'll be famous".

"Wait" y/n said, and by the glint in his eye she knew she might've already lost. "How- how do you know anyway?" She tried her best not to stammer.

"You told me".

"Bullshit, seriously, tell me".

"I'm telling the truth" now his voice was low. Eyes staring right at her with something close to vulnerability. "You told me yesterday, I'm guessing you don't remember".

"No" y/n breathed out. She might've always been bad at handling alcohol, which was ironic considering she's from Belgium, but to think she'd spill her identity to the last person she'd ever want to know. No, there's just no way.

"Yes" Neymar huffed a laugh, looking absolutely gleeful. "I always knew there was some mystery to you, but this- this is just amazing".

"You're terrible".  Y/n was still shaken, unable to make any smart retorts that could shut him right up.

"I am" he conceded, sounding almost proud of it. "I'm a terrible, evil man that knows your biggest secret".

"Do you have to rub it in?" She asked, knowing the answer is a definite yes, because Neymar is nothing if not teasing. He smiles and throws flying kisses at his opponents on the field, and y/n has seen for herself that he can be   worse outside it. Especially now, now that he has an edge over her, now that he can easily take control.

"What do you want?" But she'll face him head on. Whatever he throws, she can catch. There was no doubt in her mind.

Neymar raised his eyebrows in a conflicting way. It was as if he was saying, 'are you really sure you want to go toe to toe with me?' While simultaneously going, 'I commend you're bravery, though is it really brave, or are you just stupid?'.

"What do I want? Hmmm" he placed a hand right under his chin.

He then reached his hand out and placed it right on y/n's thigh. High enough to feel dangerous, but low enough for her to not immediately flinch away.

"Y/n l/n" the way he said her name made her shake, her mind blank with nothing else to think about except for his voice. Before, the way he had said 'Linda'  made her feel like she was a breath away from drowning in him. But now, with the way he said her real name instead, she hoped to never be able to reach the surface.

"I want you" his voice was slightly hoarse. "Y/n l/n, I want you".


My apologies that this chapter is so short, especially after such a long time. I've honestly been having so much work lately along with some writer's block, so my motivation is very low.


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