chapter 11

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(Short pre-note, there's no neymar in this chapter, this is just to further the plot a bit)

The four girls lay there, thinking.
Y/n had spilled everything to them, well- almost everything, she couldn't admit the part where she wore Neymar's t-shirt and danced in the dark with Vera.

Thing is, she doesn't think she'll ever be able to say that. It automatically became a part of the 'stories that are impossibly stupid so I'll take them to my grave' list

After the longest silence they've ever had, Jules spoke up.

"This is very selfish and definitely in my own self interest" she started, sitting back up. "But I really want to go".

"Correction" Natalie sighed. "You really want to meet Richarlison".

"Don't pretend you're any different!" Jules drove a finger into Natalie's cheek, wiggling it aggressively. "I know for a fact you want to go too, admit it!".

Natalie only turned her face away, clearly guilty.

"What about you Noha?" Y/n asked, turning over to her blonde haired friend. She seemed conflicted, gaze flickering to the ground. "You can be honest" y/n felt the need to that tack on.

"Besides personal interest, it'll probably look bad if we don't go" Noha reasoned. "The rest of the contestants will be there, if we're the only one's out, it might send a wrong message".

Y/n clicked her tongue. "I didn't think of that".

Noha smiled, rubbing an arm up her back. "That's what I'm here for".

"You don't have to interact with him" Jules stated. "I'll cover for you if he comes close, you know how good of an actor I am", Y/n's face was doubtful. "Oh c'mon it's true!".

"Let's do this democratically" Natalie suggested. This was their go-to way of solving any dilemma. It's worked for most societies and it's (mostly) worked for them.

"All right" Jules coughed a bit and continued: "all in favour of meeting my love at Neymar's dinner, say I!".

"I" they all chorused, even y/n. She could already feel that she'd soon regret this.
"This isn't anything to worry about" Noha reassured for the last time. "Let's focus on passing, yeah? The ceremony's tomorrow".

Y/n could feel the colour draining from her face. The ceremony was tomorrow, which means the party she got a vip pass to was also tomorrow, which means that there might be a small, miniscule chance she'll see him again.
"That didn't help" y/n mumbled, shaking her head.


Dressed in matching white dresses, y/n stood next to Noha, who stood next to Jules, who stood next to Natalie. All the contestants were there, buzzing with nerves and making the air vibrate with anticipation.

It was odd how calm y/n was, how calm they all were, really.

Natalie and Noha were the biggest worrywarts y/n knew, and Jules wasn't too calm under pressure, either. But when the curtains opened and lights shined on all of them, cameras filming, Y/n already knew they won, felt it in her bones.

"Now we will announce the eight groups that will end up becoming the world cup cheerleaders!" The same young interviewer from before presented.

She started announcing names, most passed through y/n's brain. She vaguely caught on to "lavenda" when she saw Vera and Ulta move up to the front.

Seven names had been called, this was the final one. Okay, maybe now she should be stressing.

"And finally-"

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