chapter 5

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Y/n could never admit how much she enjoyed having her makeup done. Something about the pressure on her face, the feeling of the brushes, the voices of the people doing it. It was basically asmr in real life.

"Brainstorm names" Noha had whispered before they were ushered to different rooms. They were instructed
to sit on stools and get their makeup done. Away from the rest with people that barely speak english, y/n suddenly felt very anxious.

Names, names, naaaameees. She couldn't come up with anything. But if she doesn't, Jules will, and that's enough to get her thinking faster.

The makeup artist is swift with it. She doesn't do much: brushing her eyebrows, making her lashes pop with mascara and smearing a little lipgloss.
Y/n thinks she says something like 'perfect', before letting her stand up.

She can't help the swell of pride that wells up in her as she sees her three best friends. They pretty much have the same look as her, except for the rather bold eyeliner on Jules and extra dust of blush on Natalie.

"Okay here me out. The winners " Jules held up her hand like sponge bob forming the rainbow.

"Hmm.." Y/n pretended to think about it. "No".

"Uhh" Natalie kept humming, eventually letting the sound drop.

"Chaoticus", there wasn't much of a thought, y/n just blurted it out. She's been doing that a lot lately: speaking without thinking, acting with no caution.  For some reason she felt that he's partially to blame.

Noha looked at her as if she'd grown a second head. "Chaos?" She questioned. Natalie's brows scrunched in confusion. In contrast to them, Jules grinned. "I think it fits"

"Chaoticus" Noha repeated, feeling the way it rolled off her tongue. After a while, she smiled. "It suprisingly does".

Natalie shrugged. "Alright, it's decided then. We're chaoticus". Then she looked up to the ceiling, a contemplating look in her eye. "We're setting us up for an interesting ordeal".

Jules snickered. "Stop that, we'll be fine". Despite her words, the constant tapping of her foot told them that she was just as nervous as the rest of them.

"You four, it's time, get behind set".

Once behind set, they finally got to see the other candindates. Y/n counted about sixteen groups, only half of them would make it through.

"Right. When each group comes out on stage, you'll state your group name first and then your individual names. Then there will be a short Q&A. Feel free to answer in any way you'd like".

The guy repeated it in about four different languages: french, spanish, german and portuguese. Guess they weren't all english speakers, but that was to be expected.

"Alright, three, two, one. Start!".

A group goes on and the four, buzzing with excitement, are forced to steady themselves. Jules is pretending to interview Natalie, asking random questions that have nothing to do with dance or football. Noha is jumping from one foot to the other, nervously darting her eyes everywhere.

Y/n wasn't faring much better. Unbeknownst to her, she started humming one of Ricardo's hits, remembering how they vibed to it in the limousine.

"You listen to that?" A voice asked. Y/n turned and nearly jumped at the proximity. A girl was peering at her, face so close she could feel her breath.

"Um, no, not really. It's just this song our uh, driving...dude?" Y/n was fumbling over her words, barely able to string a sentence together.

The girls lips curled into a smile. "A chauffeur?".

"Yeah that, he let us listen to his songs". Now that y/n could get a good look at her, she was really pretty. She wore a black crop top and had her eyes decorated with smokey eyeshadow.

"Do you know the dance?".

She finally took a step back, not close enough to the point they could accidentally kiss but still within reach.
Y/n's eyes felt treacherous with the way they slid over her body, more intense than she'd like them to be. The girl must have noticed, with the way her smile turned slightly smug.

"I don't" y/n said. "My name is...Linda Falsey by the way". It took some power to not cringe at that godawful name.

"Vera verité" she leaned in for a cheek kiss. "Nice to make your acquaintance. If you make the preliminaries, remind me to teach you sometime".

She turned and left for the front stage, hips swaying hypnotically. Is she trying to be friendly? A part of her questioned. Or is she mocking me?

Jules wrapped an arm around y/n, "Definitely an intimidation tactic" she voiced her thoughts out loud.

On her other side, Noha shook her head. "I don't think so".

"Then what?" Natalie asked.

"Just pure confidence".

Jules snorted, "you sound jealous".

"I am" she admitted unabashedly.

"Next group!" Shivers ran up y/n's spine. Holding her a little tighter, Jules forced a smile on her face. Natalie shook a bit more and Noha couldn't stop looking at everyone and everything.

"We're doing this" Y/n whispered. Holy fuck we're doing this.

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