chapter 8

668 11 13

*this can be seen as a filler chapter*

Just as she predicted, sleep wasn't coming easy to y/n.

When she wasn't thinking about neymar, she was thinking about the choreography, and when she wasn't thinking about the choreography, she'd think of home.

She missed waffle vans and the dull weather. She found comfort in the melancholy of Belgium. The boring, dreadful city she always complained about was now a place she eagerly wished to get back to.

And then-

Damn, stop looking. She kept staring at the stupid t-shirt, she hasn't touched it since Alessia's arrival, but she can still remember its texture. The smell that it carried, how just touching it drove those shivers right up her spine-

She hated it. A fucking t-shirt was effecting her this badly. "Ughhh" she groaned, turning around. Flinging the blankets off of her, she decided to face her fears head on.

She can't remember ever moving this slow. Y/n isn't as brash as Jules is, but she isn't cautious in the way Noha and Natalie were either. She usually jumped head first into things, she preferred that approach.

When she reached the t-shirt, she let out a silent gasp. It was faintly chilly, which with her body's heat felt positively delightful. Y/n decided to ignore his smell and stripped her current shirt off. Then, she put on Neymar's.

"Am I in heaven?" She asked herself. "Cause it feels like it".

She glanced at the door, a sudden rush of giddiness giving her the confidence to go outside. She felt *bad*, the good kind of bad, the scandalous kind. Stalking through the hallway, she went down the elevator and made her way to the practice room.

"Just what do we have here?". The voice made her jump, a shriek right in the back of her throat.

The voice laughed heartily, coming out of the shadows to reveal herself.

"Oh, it's you" Y/n breathed, relieved. "Can you not give me a heart attack next time? Thanks".

She chuckled again. Vera verité was beautiful, even in the wee hours of night. She wore black leggings with a simple t-shirt, yet still managed to look like a model. A part of y/n couldn't help but feel envious.

"You up for some late night training?".

"Maybe" Y/n replied, suddenly feeling exposed. The way Vera looked at her was electrifying. She felt small in a way, like prey in front of a predator.

"I've seen your video" Vera walked closer to her, stopping just shy away from her face. "And might I say you have some very nice legs".

A rush of heat curled in Y/n, driving her to move against the wall. "Um, excuse me?".

"Your footwork, it's very good. I couldn't take my eyes off you" she clarified, chuckling to herself. "What did you think I meant?".

"Nothing!" Y/n said too quickly. "absolutely nothing, not a single thing!".

Vera raised her eyebrow amusedly. "Right, well, what choreography do you have?".

"You go first" y/n threw back. She didn't want to dish out any information without getting some in return.

"It's called 'mi casa', it's a jazzy type of dance, now your turn".

"Ours is called 'Os lutadores', the style is a bit...wild. I guess it falls in the line of hip hop".

Vera whistled. "The fighters, eh? I'm looking forward to it. Although you don't seem to be confident about it".

"It's-" y/n hesitated. Telling your competition that you're struggling might not be the best idea. "Go on" Vera's smile was coaxing, devilish in a way. She reached out, stroking y/n's arm in a way that felt shamefully good.

Y/n's brain was muddled with sleep, she was so tired. "It's my hips" she blurted out. "Not enough focus on them apparently".

Vera chuckled silently, linking her arm around y/n's. "Well I know a thing or two about how to work your hips. Let's see if I can play a good teacher".

"Wait" y/n looked into her eyes. They were deep pools of black, magnetizing in an inexplicable way. "What do you gain from this? From helping me?".

"A good rival" Vera winked. "A cute one at that".

"Wha-" y/n got caught off as Vera led them to their practice room. The rooms were every dancer's ideal, there was enough space, padded flooring in the corners, nice heating. A big, clean mirror and a giant window. The lights from outside streamed through.

"Remember the dance I was going to teach you" Y/n looked at Vera. She was already dancing, shimmying around to imaginary music. After a while, she started humming.

Y/n could remember the limousine. The song, the beat, and then she felt herself moving too.

"Great, nice, now" Vera moved forward, moving herself a bit more fluidly. "Like this" she grabbed both of y/n's hands and placed them on her hips. She laughed as y/n hesitated, but eventually they were both moving into each other, swaying along to a beat only those two could hear.

"No, no. Not enough movement, feel it". Vera dipped low and shook her ass on the way up, she then shimmied further. Her hips were like water, they flowed around with graceful sensuality.

Y/n tried her best to copy her, failing to mimic its flow. "Don't just copy," Vera chastised. "Feel".

Taking in a deep breath, y/n tried to do just that. Again, she thought of the limousine, the energy of the song, the sensuality she could muster. Vera whistled, coming close enough to the points they were barely rubbing up on one another.

When Vera's hands reached out to touch y/n again, the light turned on.

"Vera, hands". The voice of the new girl was stern, her glare even worse.

Vera didn't seem all too concerned, giggling to herself as she lifted her hands. "You're so possessive, Ula".

"For good reason. You there-" her eyes went straight through Y/n. "Keep your hands to yourself".

"I'm not the one who suggested this!" Y/n ended up yelling defensively.

"Don't care". The girl- Ulta from I what heard, shrugged. She then entered the room, angrily stalking towards them. Holy shit, she's tall.

Towering over her, Ulta looked down on her as if she was mere trash. And despite that look, y/n couldn't help but realize that- Holy shit, she's really pretty too.

"Don't touch what isn't yours" Ulta spat, gripping Vera's wrist and practically dragging her away. Vera didn't seem to mind, the opposite in fact. She threw her head back and laughed, waving at y/n in a friendly manner.

"Bye bye, nice shirt by the way" the smile on her face made y/n fear that she knew. Logically enough, of course she didn't, she couldn't of known, right?

"Uh thanks for...everything" Y/n replied meekly, standing in place until the both of them left.

Letting out a sigh, she looked out the window.

Despite all the weird things she's forced to encounter. Despite how hard everything seems. Y/n swore right then and there that tommorow she'd fight even harder.

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