chapter 19

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The war is almost over.

This was the final. Argentina against brazil. Messi against Neymar, and eventually y/n's chaoticus against Vera's fleurant.

Y/n could't believe time had passed so quickly. The opening cheer had been both the most nerve wracking and best experience ever. They were with so many, but they were still able to come together to deliver the best performance they could.

It was hard to focus on dancing when all her thoughts were about Neymar. But she couldn't see Neymar. She didn't want to, not yet.

After he had shown her just how much she could scream without anyone mentioning it.

Y/n had come to an ultimatum, she'd hold off on doing anything with Neymar until the finals, when everything would be done and settled with. When Neymar would hopefully win the world cup and y/n it's cheerleader counterpart. When they had to part, Neymar had leaned in to give her the most passionate kiss she's ever received. When y/n returned to her bed, she found herself nearly unable to sleep.

The next battle had been harsher, all cheerleaders were split into two, and y/n was grateful to be paired up with Vera.

Though Ula seemed to have an issue with it, Vera's other teammates, Guilia and Grace, had accepted them with open arms.

Working together with them had been challenging. They were fast and furious, quick with their steps yet fluid with their hips. It was exhilarating, by the time their choreography was finished, there was no doubt in anyone's mind that both chaoticus and fleurant would make it to the final.

And they did. And this was it. The final game, the final moments. They were about to take penalties. Y/n was about to give the performance of her life.
The man she loved was about to win. And she said win so confidently, because she knew he'd do it. That he'd make it.

Argentina had failed to score one, this was it, this was the fucking chance. Neymar walked steadily towards the goal. All the pressure must've been on his shoulders, and y/n wished she could hold his hand, that she could tell him just how much she believed in him.

Instead, y/n was gripping Noha's poor hand like a vice. Venus was tangling her arms in Natalie's, pulling her close. Vera- though disappointed that France had been kicked out, was now praying for Brazil's success. Ula stood, gritting her teeth as she held Vera.

Rebecca was with Gerald, Their limo driver Ricardo was a bit in the back with his wife and four kids.

"Please" Y/n whispered, praying.

Then it was a movement, a breath, the flicker of a ball.

Then a goal.

"LET'S GO" Jules was the first to scream, holding her hands up. Vera didn't fall too far behind, whistling with a giant smile on her face. It's only when Noha released y/n's hand that y/n was able to comprehend it. That they won. That Neymar won.

She ran to the front of the stadium. On the pitch, Neymar was currently on his knees, spreading his arms with an expression of pure satisfaction. I finally did it. That's probably what he was thinking, y/n was sure of it.

And y/n wanted to be there so badly, she wanted to hug him, to touch him and kiss him and show the entire world that he was hers. That she wanted to be his.

"Neymar!" She ended up shouting. To her biggest surprise, his eyes shifted, landing on hers with a genuine smile. He mouthed something she couldn't understand, and then formed a heart with his hands.

Before she could scream again, she felt three hands hold her back. She turned around to look at her friends. They all grinned.

"Listen, you guys can smooch and everything after we win the cheerleader cup" Jules scrunched her eyebrows. She looked both amused and jittery.

Man, this was it. They were going to do this. This was the final performance.

"Hmm, not meaning to rain on your parade, but we'll be taking that cup home tonight" Vera had appeared at their side, giving them a challenging look. Y/n felt both sad and happy that their final battle would be against her newly made friend.

The one who'd kept her secrets, who'd drag her along to the most intimidating of places with a smile. But now, they're competitors. Competitors with feelings. Y/n doesn't think she could ever hate Vera, even if she ended up losing today.

Ula had appeared at Vera's side, her scowl present as always. This time even harsher. But to y/n greatest suprise, her eyes shone with respect as she bowed her head. "You four are worthy rivals, I'm glad". She didn't say anything else, stalking towards the exit of the stadium.

Vera, Guilia and Grace all giggled. "She's always been a softie" Vera sighed wistfully. "It's why I've stuck by her side for so long".

Guilia bumped her shoulder. "At this point just get married".

Grace nodded to agree: "You two act like a married couple anyways".

Vera turned to her teammates. "Maybe one day" she said cheekily, a smile on her face that promised things.

She then turned to chaoticus. "We'll see you on the stage then, right? Mes amies belge".

"You will" y/n answered. "And we'll both be great, we'll reach new heights today, but unfortunately- only one of us gets that cup".

"And it'll be us" Jules interrupts. Surprisingly, both Noha and Natalie don't say anything. Together, they all just stare straight ahead. At competitors who were once allies.

"I don't doubt that you have a chance" Vera conceded. "You four do really shine. Though everyone's main focus today is the world cup, let's steal some of that spotlight for our own, yeah?" .

Y/n grinned. "You bet we will".


So close, so close. I'll seriously miss writing this, damn

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