chapter 10

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"Business? Listen, you've practically been stalking me" Y/n bit out, glaring fiercely. "I don't appreciate it".

He placed a hand under his chin. "Well I haven't been approaching you in the most conventional way, I'll admit that. I apologise for it too".

That threw y/n in for another loop. She wasn't expecting an apology to so easily slip from his lips. Not a sincere one at least, but the way his hazel eyes fixed onto hers showed that he meant it.

"You still have the envelope Alessia gave you right? The pass to the vip room?".

"I do, but I'm going to have to decline"
y/n had thought about it thoroughly, weighed the pros and cons of going. It boiled down to this: meeting Neymar again vs potentially ruining her chances for the competition.

"I thought you would" he didn't sound too disapointed. "Which is why I invited you to dinner".

"Also no" y/n didn't hesitate to turn the offer down. "You know why, I don't want anyone to misunderstand our relationship" if there even is any at all.

"I know" he said again, as if anticipating all this. "It's why I invited every group, with the condition that they had to have passed the preliminaries. Most of my boys will be there too, so you don't have to worry about anything".

Y/n squinted her eyes warily. "Did you do all that for me?" It sounded arrogant but she was at a point where anything was possible. Neymar jr had proven time and time again to be a loose cannon.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Not necessarily. I'm just killing two birds with one stone. You'd get something out of this too, you know?".

"And what would that be?"

"I've heard your friends are fans. Richarlison and Paqueta love meeting their supporters".

Y/n let out a scoff, see this is what she meant by stalking. He was right thought, Jules would be more than overjoyed if she could actually meet Richarlison in person. Natalie's reaction could go either way, y/n knew she was the type of person that was content with supporting her idols from afar, but even she'd probably like to meet Paqueta atleast once.

"Think about it" he said one final time, standing up from her bed.

He stretched his arms out, back turned towards her. Y/n could see his muscles flex against his clothes, slight cracking noises coming from him. "Time's up, gotta go".

"Wait! Do you not listen? Anyone could end up seeing you right now, atleast try and be discreet".

He turned his head towards her. "Oh don't worry, I sent everyone on this floor to go eat. You're friends should be back soon".

"You did *what* now?".

He waved her off. "It was the easiest way to make everyone evacuate the floor. It also shows you how serious I am about my reputation".

Y/n shook her head, nearly laughing at his absurdity. "You're insane" she said, a lack of bite to her words.

"Thank you".

With that, he casually left her room, waving at her nonchalantly. Yes, there's doubt about it, he's definitely got a few screws loose. After a moment, y/n dared to go out into the hall. Just as Neymar said, it was completely empty.

She went back in her own room, stalking towards the suitcase and opening it up. First, her phone. She hadn't seen it in two days and looking at it made her fidgety.

Second, the t-shirt. She decided to barely acknowledge it, stuffing it deeper into the suitcase before locking. With her phone in hand, she turned it back on.

She saw about fifteen messages from Jules, five from Natalie and twenty eight from Noha.

Finally, there were only three from him.

Her friends' messages were all about where she was and pictures of food. Y/n's stomach did grumble a bit at the sight of them.

Then, she opened up Neymar's messages. The first one was a reply to hers.

Well, I'm not your wife.

Haha, you've got me there. That can always be changed though ;)

The second and third were basically a written version of everything he said. "Alright, so obviously he's interested in me. Which is flattering, I can't deny that" Y/n whispered to herself. "I should probably tell the girls about this though".

Y/n sent Noha a quick message.

Don't freak out, alright?

I'm calm. What happened?

Neymar came by, said a bunch of stuff. Look- can we talk?

I'm coming with the girls rn. Don't move.


This is unfortunately a very short chapter, but don't worry! I'll make sure that the next one is longer.

There is something I want to adress though, and that's the previous chapter.

I was re-reading my chapters and realised just how creepy Neymar's behaviour can be seen as. I absolutely hate any kind of toxicity in a relationship and don't endorse it either.

Which is why moving forward, I want to minimise any questionable writing and focus on building their relathionship in a healthy way.

That's all I have to say.

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