chapter 12

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(Short pre-note, yes neymar does appear in this chapter. Don't worry!)

How Vera managed to casually walk up those stairs was something y/n considered miraculous. Her own steps were fidgety, like she hasn't used her legs in a while.

Once they reached the top, two burly men stood at the front of a gigantic door.
They said something in portuguese that y/n guessed was something along the lines of "Show your passes".

Y/n scrambled in her bag and took out the envelope. She didn't even need to open it up, as soon as they saw it, both her and Vera were let through.

If the previous room smelled expensive, this one was just pure wealth. The music was more soft and jazzy in tone, the lights dimmed to create an intimate atmosphere.

"Well they don't dissapoint" Vera giggled, strutting through the hallway. Y/n followed, mouth agape as she looked around.

It was only after they reached another door that y/n could hear other people, which made her nervous. As if sensing this, Vera looped her arm around hers and guided them through.

It was an open space filled with rich- looking people. The waiters wore red instead of black, and there were multiple tables of food. Y/n couldn't help but let her eyes search for *him*, or anyone familiar.

"Doesn't that food look good? Come on, lets grab a bite" now it was y/n's turn to be dragged.

Up close, the tantalising smell of food made y/n's mouth water, soon enough, her plate was filled with all sorts of snacks. She popped a type of cheesy bread in her mouth, humming at the taste. "Holy shit, this is so good".

"Careful, you'll feel bloated at this rate".

Then, the jazz music stopped completely. Only the two of them perked up, the rest continuing with their business as if nothing happened. The air did shift completely however when a familiar song started to play.

"Look, it's our song!" Vera pointed out.

Right, if I never hummed that song, me and Vera wouldn't have spoken. It was weird to think about that possibility.

Vera looked at her expectantly, and y/n could only guess what was on her mind.
"No way" y/n declined quickly. "We'll make fools out of ourselves.

Vera pouted. "Who careees" she whined, placing a hand on y/n's shoulder. "Let's just dance".

Before y/n could protest, Vera already started swaying her hips, slowly moving backwards. People noticed almost immediately, and she exaggerated her movements, making a show out of herself. Oh wow, y/n was flabbergasted. She looks really hot.

Fluttering her lashes in invitation, Vera crooked a finger at y/n, beckoning her to join. It was like a spell had been cast on her, causing y/n to start moving, dancing towards Vera, feeling the music.

Vera gave her an approving stare, moving her hips faster. The people around them started to clap, and y/n decided to cast all inhibitions aside and give them a good show.

By the end of the song, they were both panting. A slight sheen of sweat on their bodies.

"I've finally gotten to see you dance in person" she heard someone say behind her. She jumped around, heart leaping at the sight of his face.

He looked good, wearing a black suit and a lazy grin tugging at his lips. "It was great" he turned to Vera. "Both of you were great".

"I'd say it was adequate" out of the corner of her eye, y/n saw Alesia step into the picture. "Surely they can do better, no?".

"Hmm, I don't know if the likes of you deserves to see us at our best" Vera said, a deceptively innocent smile on her face. Alesia stared back, a challenging spark in her eye. 'Is that so?".

Almost on cue, another song started playing. To y/n's greatest shock Alesia started dancing. She moved her feet quickly along the floor, swaying her hips in a salsa like movement. Rising up to the unspoken challenge, Vera did the same.

"Wow" Y/n breathed out, gaining a chuckle from Neymar. "Alesia used to be a professional dancer" he whispered in her ear.

"No way" y/n replied, unable to believe it.

"I'm glad you came" he said suddenly. The affection in his voice was mind numbing, making her stomach do flips. "Why did you decide to come?" He asked, like it was an afterthought.

Y/n looked at Vera. "Some peer pressure" she turned her gaze back to him. "And impulsiveness on my part".

The song switched again, something more slow, sensual. Y/n could see Vera grinding on air, Alesia not too far off. They were both attractive, eye-catching really. Y/n has appreciated their looks before, but seeing them like this was different.

"Do you regret it?" He asked, sounding almost hopeful. Everyone around them started to dance, and Neymar was slowly joining them.

"I don't" y/n whispered. "But I probably will".

He came forward, slowly placing his hands on her shoulders. Y/n let him, slightly arching into his touch. She shouldn't be here, this is a bad idea, she's absolutely playing with fire.
Ignoring the warning signs in her head, she started to move, dipping a bit low.

Neymar followed, sliding his hands from her shoulders to her waist. He hovered over it, just barely touching her.

His eyes stared into hers, dark, intimate, filled with so much more she couldn't place.

Everything felt hot, dizzying in the best way. A part of her screamed for more, wanted him to come closer, to hold her tighter.

As if he knew, his hands held a firmer hold on her waist. They both came back up, and he moved closer, slowly grinding just a tiny bit on her.

It was too much and not enough at the same time. Everything felt like it was spinning but she couldn't decide if she wanted to stop.

She should though. She really, really should.

A cough broke her out of their trance, and y/n was both thankful and dissapointed. Neymar backed off, giving her a knowing grin.

Cocky bastard.

"Sir, there's still people we need to greet" Alessia said.

"Who cares, I'm busy" Neymar waved her off, eyes still on y/n.

"You should go" her voice was surprisingly steady, but breathless in an almost embarrassing way. "I have to leave, it's- it's gettting late".

The way he arched his brow made it clear he knew that was bullshit. Luckily for her, he took it, giving her a cordial smile instead. "Alright, fine. You being here was good enough".

Vera was hanging at her back, looking between y/n and Neymar with faint interest. I'm going to have a lot of explaining to do, y/n thought sorrowfully.

When they both left the vip room, y/n could only wonder to herself if this was all a dream.

Vera giggled next to her. When y/n turned her head, she placed a finger on her lips, before shifting it to y/n's. "This is our little secret, okay?".

This technically makes the second, y/n thought, and I'm scared it'll be the start to many more.


Don't worry, though the Neymar scene was short, his dinner part WILL be coming in next chapter (and will  hopefully be much longer) So stay tuned!

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