chapter 6

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The lights on the stage were bright, to the point y/n was scared she'd be look like a disco ball on camera. Taking in a few breaths, she stood next to Jules and Noha, forming a straight line.

In the front, sitting on a chair, was an old lady. Her forehead was lined with age and her cheeks were wrinkled. She had the deeply interrogative stare to boot- a full package for a stern judge.

They were multiple cameramen flunking each of their sides, a few other people stood next to them as well. Y/n could swear she saw a familiar croptop among the crowd.

Closer to them was another lady, she looked fairly young, pretty with the way she smiled at them. "Alright, ready?" She asked.

Jules answered for all of them. "Ready".

A few cameraman muttered something, and everything started. A few lights flickered off and the spotlight was on them.

"Here we have our eight group. They're all lovely ladies from Belgium, and are here to introduce themselves today. Now, take it away!".

"Hi!" The four raised their hands up in sync, plastering smiles on their faces. Somewhere in the back of y/n's mind, she could hear the voices of everyone that had supported her till this point.

Her parents were on the verge of tears when she left home. "Make us proud" they said.

Rebecca smiled when they first left that rental car. "This is where you take the spotlight" she said. "Own it".

And further back, at the base of all the voices was him. "I'll be looking forward to it" he said, laughing. "Prove to the world what you can do".

"We're chaoticus. It's the latin word for chaos".

Everyone seemed to find that odd. Good, y/n could use that to their advantage, she considered anything that made them stand out a good thing. "That's an interesting name, how did you come up with it?".

"That's a funny question. So you see, we kinda just chose it ten minutes ago" Jules admitted.

"Which doesn't make it any less special" Natalie added quickly, trying to make them sound less uncaring. "We're just like that. Spontaneous, I mean".

The interviewer hummed along, face a bit unconvinced. "And what are the names of the members of chaoticus?".

"I'm Venus the carry" Jules introduced first, holding a brief peace sign.

Y/n held up her hand in greeting. "Linda Falsey".

Natalie made a small bow. "Naihara Welmami".

Finally, Noha smiled a bit and waved. "Noor P'hoere".

The interviewer smiled back. "Those are all lovely names. Now, we'll go over some rapid fire questions. Again, feel free to answer in any way you'd like, and make sure to look at that camera over there". She pointed to a bit to the left.

"Ready?" With a few papers in hand, she wiggled her eyebrows challengingly.

Y/n felt more confident, though the old lady's face was still set in stone, faint interest was hidden in her eyes, and that spurred her on. "As ever".

"Alright, first. What are you hoping to get out of this competition?".

"Can I answer?" Noha searched their gazes for approval. "Personally, I'm hoping for a challenge. I want to let the world see what I can really do. Cheering on the world's best atlethes happens to be a great way to do that".

"So would you say you want fame?" The interviewer pressed. Something about that question felt loaded, like either answer could be wrong.

"I want a chance. I want glory. I want to now how it feels like to perform on the world's stage and have the crowd screaming my name " Noha sounded so passionate that y/n could almost envision it.

"Next question then, do you think it'll be easy?".

Jules answered this one. "Not for the other competitors, no".

The interviewer tilted her head. "And why is that?" She asked.

Jules gave her a beyond confident grin. "Because we're here".

Y/n could feel the eyerolls of everyone else, including her own. In an effort to cushion Jules' brash words, Natalie giggled awkwardly and spoke further. "It won't be easy for anybody. We've all been chosen for a reason".

"Alright then, next, do any of you have a footballer crush?" the interviewer winked.

"Richarlison" Jules replied with absolutely no shame. "No words can describe that man".

"I like Paqueta" Natalie followed, a bit shy. "He has a wife though, so there's no chances there".

"Would you guys every want to be a football wife?" Noha blurted out. The rest immediately knew she was trying to avoid the question. And even if y/n was painfully curious, she decided to play along.

"I'm not sure. On one hand you're with a hot, rich dude that the whole world knows. But that all comes at a price, he'll probably be a very busy man".

"That could add some spice though" Jules smirked. Everytime you meet him, his touch feels even better, and then you'll always kiss him like it's the last-".

"Goodness, chill! This is a family friendly show!" Y/n yelled playfully. In the corner of her eye, she could see the cameramen crack smiles. "I get what you mean though. Distance can make the heart grow fonder, but I don't think it's for me".

"Okay, what about less big stuff. Like the cute things you could do" Jules suggested.

"Like what?".

"Wearing his shirt to a match" Natalie's face grew redder, the blush darkening. "I'm not going to lie, I've always imagined it".

"Same" Noha and Jules agreed.

"Eh" Y/n shrugged. "I don't think its too special. I mean- people wear their favourite footballer's shirt all the time".

"Yeah but its his shirt. One he's worn, played in, given to you. It's totally different".

Again, y/n shrugged. "Sounds sweaty".

The interviewer let out a proper laugh at that, a few cameramen joining in. Even the old lady, who previously looked like stone, had the barest hints of a smile.

"Last question!" She called out. "Any last words you want to tell us today".

"I've said this once and I'll say it again. Prepare yourselves" Jules looked to y/n to finish it off.

"We're about to change the dance world".

Short a/n

Don't worry, Neymar will be featured more in the following chapter. Along with some of the more (in my personal opinion) exciting characters.

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