chapter 16

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Neymar stands there, an eyebrow raised . Y/n froze, this position did seem oddly compromising. Just as she was going to push Vera off, the latter decided to cling on to her.

"You are, actually" Vera smirked, nuzzling her cheek right into y/n's. "She's so soft, you know? I could just lay on her for days" Vera was practically cuddling into her. "You must've put my poor Belgian friend under so much stress yesterday, that's why she ended up like this" she continued on.

"I know" Neymar played into whatever was happening. "I'm absolutely riddled with guilt, so much that I had to check up on my Linda".


Y/n had nearly forgotten that no one in this room knew her real name, or age. Or the fact that she was about to be eighteen in two weeks. Oh shit, it was as if she had been dumped in cold water, my birthday's in two weeks.

Vera sat up, giving y/n a knowing smile. "I see, well, if you're here to make amends..." she trailed off, eyes landing on Alessia. "Then we shouldn't get in his way, right?".

Catching onto whatever Vera was insinuating, Alessia's face grew into an equally smug smile. "Yes, you're right. We should leave them to their privacy".

"Wait what?" y/n questioned, but before she could make any real protests, they had both flown out the door.

That left only y/n and Neymar in the room. His room, she had to remind herself. She was wearing his clothes, *in his room*.

Neymar opened his mouth to say something, but y/n intercepted before he could. "Don't you dare mention anything about last night, understood?".

He raised his hands mockingly. "Yes ma'am".

He wandered in casually, now able to see him clearly, y/n could tell he went running or something of the sort. He was slightly flushed, his body sheen with sweat, and when he had talked just now- his voice was a bit hoarse.

It was unbelievably attractive to see him like this, and y/n would die a thousand deaths before admitting it.

"Hey" he called, eyes gleaming with something mischievous. "Get ready for a landing".


He suddenly appeared on the edge of the bed, and let himself fall right onto her. Y/n's first thought was damn he's heavy. She tried to squirm away but his body  wouldn't let her move.

"Neymar-" she tried to sound serious, but then he engulfed her in his arms, and her entire world turned into *him*. His sweaty body against her. His breathing right on her neck, the sound  his heartbeat.

"That lady was right, you are soft" he commented, nuzzling into her just like Vera did.

"If you don't get off me right now I'll-" he nuzzled in further, making y/n unable to speak. He was almost like a puppy cuddling its owner, which was unnerving in a way. He'd never tried to be so...straightforwardly affectionate.

"Please" y/n had never heard him like this. Quiet, pleading, almost needy, really. He tried get even closer,  which was virtually impossible. In a second, he managed to shift them both sideways, now they were in a more cuddly position. "Just for a little while, please?".

Y/n remained silent, and Neymar took that as a yes.

This might have been the strangest encounter the two have had yet. Every moment shared between them had been odd in one way or another, whether it was her accidentally stumbling in his private jet or him purposely breaking into her room. They're meetings were relatively short, filled with sparks and heated tension that left y/n breathless.

This was completely different, it was soft, silent and daresay comfortable. While most of the time she felt the need to go back and forth with him, this time he was completely silent. This was such a domestic moment. Something too soft for them, so regular that it somehow became abnormal.

"Why are you-?" Y/n didn't even know what to say, how to ask. She had so many questions but no way to phrase them.

"Remember when I let you answer three of my questions?" He mumbled into her neck, which tickled a bit.

"Yeah" her voice was unsteady, trembling a bit.

"Pay back the favour, would you? Think you can answer three of mine?".

Y/n let out a huff. "Aren't you the one who still needs to make things up to me?" She tried squirming out of his grip, again, to no avail.

"Haven't I done enough?" she could hear the pout in his voice. "I gave you that amazing dress, carried you all the way here, heck- you're even wearing my clothes".

"Don't even go there. Where's all this coming from?".

"Shush" he makes a 'shh' sound. "Just answer" he urges her.

Y/n felt something akin to a disturbance in the force, a premonition, if you will. She forced herself to swallow it all down and let out a sigh. "Fuck it, shoot".

Victoriously, Neymar let her go, shifting away and sitting up. Y/n's limbs felt like lead, she remained lying down and peered at Neymar through her lashes.

"What's your name?" He asked first.

"What?" Was y/n's first response.

His eyes were dead serious. "What's your name?" he repeated himself.

"...Linda" y/n said, hoping she sounded convincing enough. Having to refer to herself with another name will never not be weird. "Why're you asking?".

His eyes were completely different to any time he'd ever looked at her. His pupils were constricted, the hazel glow of his iris much more prominent. "And how old are you?" He tilted his head.

"Uh, eighteen?" Y/n tried to make it sound as obvious as possible.

"Right" Neymar went back down, this time hovering his head right above hers. His hazel eyes held an emotion inside she couldn't decipher, even if with her best effort.

"Last question" he whispered. Y/n's heartbeat just kept going faster. Here it comes, a part of her screamed. Doom.

"Now, tell me, just why are you lying?".


Woop woop 3.9k!!! It just keeps going, I can barely keep up.

I'm glad I was able to post two chapters back to back, but I'm not sure how to continue this story...

If anyone has any suggestions, the comments or my dms are always available!

So as always- stay tuned!

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