chapter 18

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When y/n found her lips on Neymar's, she could barely believe it. But it didn't feel overwhelming, no, It felt so good.

They'd drown in each other and part for just a moment, before pushing forward and doing it all over again. Leaving each other breathless, barely able to process anything but their bodies, their handS their everything.

Her hand found itself in his hair, grasping his luscious curls, his hands we're on her waist. Everything was too much and not enough at the same time, she felt like she could pass out at any moment but she needed to keep going.
In the back of her mind, she even thought that this might've been the best thing she's ever done, that she's ever had the pleasure of doing.

When he started to pull away, to her embarrassment, she automatically tried to cling on to him.

Neymar let out a breathless laugh, clearly amused by her actions. "You should let me go, Linda".

"Stop calling me that" y/n grumbled, tightening her hand in his hair. He let out a small groan, gritting his teeth.

"I mean it as a compliment, you know. Linda means pretty in portuguese".

That made y/n's brain short circuit. It was as if every little spark she's ever felt for Neymar lit up, setting her poor heart aflame.

"That's stupid, I don't like it".

He tilted his head. "You don't like being called pretty?".

"I like being called y/n" she paused, feeling embarrassed over her next words. "The way you say my name is way better than any stupid compliment".

A snort sounded throughout the room. Sounding snarky, and even worse, mocking. Y/n's heart froze. Quickly, she jumped away from Neymar, still feeling dizzy, and partly regretting it instantly.

"Told you to let go" Neymar whispered, smirking.

"Were we-" and y/n heart stilled at that voice, cause fuck, this is really bad. Why is Vera back with Alessia? And why now of all times?

"Interrupting something" Vera finished, sounding genuinely awkward for once. She giggles a bit though, in the way high-schoolers do.

"Sir" Alessia started, fingers rubbing at her temple. "I'd advise you to lock the door next time".

"It's not what it-" y/n cuts herself off, because it is what it looks like. And it's bad. And so so shameful. Because she's ruined everything, because Vera saw, and she promised. She promised Noha that she'd only focus on the competition, that she wouldn't let herself get distracted.

But here she is in Neymar's bed, wearing Neymar's clothes, an a few second away from-

"Woah, hey-" Alessia was the one who sounded awkward now. And y/n couldn't remember how Vera came to her side, or when Neymar's hand found itself in her hair. And she must've totally blacked out, because her cheeks were streaked with tears she couldn't remember letting out.

Vera rubbed her thumb over y/n's hand. "I-" y/n tried to talk, but Vera just hugged her. They rocked back and forth, which  managed to calm y/n down a bit.

Before she could get anything out, Vera pulled away, looked her right in the eye and said: "I knew". She kneeled next to the bed to continue. "About your real name and age, about neymar- obviously, I knew".


Vera lets out a guilty chuckle. "My brother Gernald isn't great at keeping secrets".

Y/n could only blink. "Who the fuck is Gernald?".

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