chapter 15

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*meh, this chapter is mostly to further the plot. This is basically a Vera and Alessia chapter with the smallest feature of Neymar at the end*

Y/n woke up to her head buzzing and her throat feeling like the sahara desert. She felt someone move and reached her hand out. "Water" she croaked pathetically, sounding miserable.

The person she spoke to chuckled, helping her sit up as they gently pushed a glass against y/n's lips. Y/n gratefully drunk from the cup, acting like she's been in the sahara for days.

"Thank you" she breathed out.

"You really are a mess". That clipped, strict but amused tone could only belong to one person.

"Alessia?" Y/n asked.

"Yes, unfortunately, we meet again".

That's when y/n's eyes flew open. She looked around, not recognising the room she was in. Her hair was untied and her clothes were different. That- and her head was killing her. All telltale signs that she was stupid enough to get blackout drunk yesterday.

"Before you ask, yes, you're in Neymar's room. Yes, you got drunk. No, you weren't alone. Yes, you embarrassed yourself. Fortunately, practically everyone did" she let out an exasperated sigh, muttering to herself that she doesn't get paid enough for this.

"Any more questions?".

Despite the answers y/n got straight up, there were so many more questions she could ask, but very few answers she actually wanted to know.

"My clothes" y/n started, gulping. "Uh, where are they?".

Alessia raised an eyebrow: "I know what you're thinking, and no, just because you're wearing Sir Neymar's clothes doesn't mean he personally put them on you". She pointed a long, manicured finger at herself. "I did" with those words, relief flooded y/n.

"As for where your clothes are, seeing that you puked on the dress Neymar so graciously gave you, we had to get it dry cleaned. Anything else?".

"My friends. Where are they? And actually, like where am I? I know I'm in- wait I'm in *Neymar's room!?*" Alessia's words just finally registered. Y/n was in Neymar's room, wearing Neymar's clothes.

"Stop panicking, it's distasteful. Your friends are sleeping happily in their rooms. However-" a knock cut Alessia off. "One has been awfully persistent" she finished, standing up to open the door.

The first face y/n saw was Vera's. She looked  pretty as always, which was honestly annoying. An envious part of y/n had to complain, excuse me but- do you really have to look that good this early in the morning?

Vera smiled sweetly as she entered, erasing any envious thoughts immediately. "Oh sweetheart, how are you feeling? Are you alright?".

Y/n didn't know how to react. She felt exposed, as if she'd just been caught red-handed. Vera already knew about her connection to Neymar, and she's kept it a secret too. For that, y/n is extremely grateful, but this was another level of scandalous.

"It's not what it looks like" y/n mumbled, drawing a derisive snort from Alessia. "Seriously, it's- it's-" y/n gave up on speaking as soon as Vera laughed.

"Please stop, ma cherie, I really could care less" Vera gave her a pat on the shoulder. "You and your friends had quite the night yesterday, even Ula is still recovering".

"Ula?" Y/n asked incredulously, to think the glaring woman would even engage in any kind of party was unfathomable.

Seeming to read her mind, Vera giggled. "Alcohol makes her fun side come out", she whispered as if it was a secret.

"I see" y/n said, still not believing it. Considering she couldn't remember most of last night though, anything was possible.

Vera's face grew unnaturally serious. "I came here to not only check up on you, but to brief you in". Y/n felt her back straighten on its own.

"Of course It's not because we passed the preliminaries that we're safe" y/n said, more to herself than anyone else.

Vera nodded in agreement. "Only eight of us will make the cut to cheer for the finals, and only one group gets to hold the first ever cheerleader cup".

Vera held her breath, saying the next words very carefully. "The world cup starts next week. We're 32 contestants in total, and that number is going to gradually decrease".

"How are they planning to do that?" Y/n asked.

Alessia smoothly interjected. "In a way I don't approve of honestly" she said, picking at her nails. "It's not only rather clumsy, but downright cruel if you ask me".

Growing fearful, y/n shifted back over to Vera, whose expression had grown even graver. "Everyone gets to cheer for the first match" she explained. "But we won't get on stage until the quarter finals, that's when our own competition really starts".

Y/n sat up even more. "Elaborate".

"By the quarter finals, the 32 of us will be split in half. 16 of us will cheer for two matches, and the other 16 for the others. Then, judges decide which of those two groups will advance through".

"How will they divide us? Do we get to choose?".

Vera shook her head. "It's random".

That's such bullshit, y/n thought. Why should any of the contestants group up in the first place? They came here as a unit of four and are now expected to suddenly adapt to another team? Especially when all teams know that only one can win?

"I know it's fucked, but that's just how it is" Vera shrugged her shoulders, unlike y/n, she seemed to of readily accepted this. "You know what this means for us, right?".

"What do you mean?".

For the first time since y/n knew her, Vera looked nervous, twiddling her thumbs in her lap. "Listen, we might not get paired up for the quarter finals".

"Obviously" y/n didn't really mean to scoff, but the stress was making her head ache.

"I might become the reason you lose" Vera said weakly. Awkwardly staring at the ground.

"Vera" y/n started, not sure what to say. Her mouth was starting to feel dry again.

Beating her to it, Vera talked further: "Wether by the quarter finals or the actual finals, if we have to face off, I want you to hit me with all you've got".

Y/n was confused. "I'd never think to do the opposite. I wouldn't disrespect you like that".

As fellow competitors, no- as friends, it was expected. If they were forced to compete against each other, they better do it with all the blood, sweat and tears they had.

"I know" Vera said, voice soft, barely above a whisper. "I know" she repeated again, more to herself.

"We're friends, right?" y/n asked, a bit shy.

Vera smiled back cheekily. "Are we?".

"Ugh" Alessia groaned. "This is too much  platonic love for me. Just hug it out and be over with it" she gave Vera a push, making her stumbling right onto y/n.

Y/n let out a 'oof', falling back on the pilows with Vera sprawled across her.

Alessia laughed, trying desperately to cover it up with her hand. "I wasn't-" another bout of laughter erupted from her. "Expecting that" she finished.

Vera pouted, sticking out her tongue childishly in Alessia's direction. "You old hag, you've always had an issue with me, I swear".

Alessia just smirked, finally able to stop laughing. It was weird, seeing her look so carefree. Almost as weird as seeing grown women act so childishly.

Y/n couldn't help it, she laughed as well.
"You two are too much!".

Just when she thought she'd never be able to stop laughing, the door creaked open, another familiar voice coming through.

"Am I...interrupting something?".


This chapter is fairly boring, I know. I haven't really been on my A-game but you can already be sure that Neymar's going to be in the next.

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