chapter 13

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"Wakie, wakie".

Y/n groaned, head a bit fuzzy. Morning light streamed through the window, lighting Jules' face up. She was straddling y/n, leaning down to kiss her cheek.

"Gross" y/n whined, pushing Jules off of her.

"Get up! Rebecca's outside, we need to go".

That managed to wake y/n up. "Huh, why? Shit, did they figure us out!? Do we need to run back to Belgium?".

The look Jules gave her suggested that wasn't the case. "No dumbass. We need to buy new outfits for your lover boy's dinner party".

"He's not my-" y/n cut herself off. knowing Jules they could end up going back and forth for eons. "Alright, give me five".

Once y/n saw Rebecca, she wasn't too surprised to see the dude tagging along. He had a carefree smile and greeted y/n with a nod, while Rebecca had engulfed both her and the rest in big bear hugs. "I'm so unbelievably proud of you all" she said.

Y/n turned around at the sound of a honk. Ricardo, their limousine driver, rolled his window down.

"Old jams guy!" Jules greeted happily. Ricardo flashed her a smile and congratulated all of them. Once they'd all gotten into the limo, Rebecca decided the location and they were off.

The ride flashed into blurry images and half asleep daydreaming. By the time the limousine stopped, y/n realised they were in a parking lot.

"Where are we?" She asked, groggily.

"I know a guy that knows a guy's brother's little cousin that works at this boutique. We'll get drop dead gorgeous dresses for you girls, I promise".

Y/n sighed and slumped in her seat, already seeing how long this is going to take.


"The black one is better!" Jules nudged the dress in y/n's face.

"No-" Natalie disagreed. "That's too funeral-y, dark green fits more".

"Hmm" Noha placed a pensive hand on her chin. "Why not red? That's classy".

The three were disagreeing on which dress she should wear, going back and forth on the color. Honestly, y/n should've predicted this would happen when she asked them for advice. They rarely ever agree on anything fashion-related.

Y/n's eyes listlessly scanned the racks of dresses. Usually she'd be able to settle for anything, but this event made nothing feel good enough. It was frustrating.

Was it because of Neymar? God, who is she kidding, it was definitely because of him. If y/n thought hard enough, she could still feel the sparks on her waist from where he'd held her.

This was so frustrating.

Just then she felt her phone vibrate. Considering that all of her friends were right next to her, either her family decided to randomly check up on her again or-


It's him.

She sighed, shuffling away from everyone. "I'm going to the bathroom" she said quickly.

I rushed through the halls to end up in a way-too fancy public toilet. I started typing:

What do you want?

Rude. Can I not check in with my favourite dancer?

Your check-ins never come without surprises.

Haha, so what? You don't like my surprises?

Y/n's mind can't help but flash to all the encounters they've had. Their first on the plane, the second in her room, the third at the party. Only three? Weird, they've felt like more.

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