Chapter two

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!TW!~Death and gore mentioning

"Hey Anthony." Alex walked into his brothers room and sat on the side of the bed.

"Hi..." Anthony replied, still staring into space.

Neither of them said anything for a while. Alex had hoped to get to catch up with his brother and hear about how his time here was, but Anthony didn't seem to want to talk to him.

"Are you still upset?" Alex asked.

"I don't know. All I know is that I hate it here." Anthony replied, finally looking at Alex.

"Why? These people are just trying to help you." Alex told him.

"No they aren't. They aren't trying to help anyone. No one gets treatment or anything here, we just get locked in our rooms at night and get therapy every Sunday. That couple, Rosemary and Ed? They say they want to help, but they never make any effort. They want us here so that our families get a load off their chests. They think the world is a better place without us."

"Anthony, I'm sure that's not true." Alex said, but he wasn't really sure. He didn't know a lot about this place.

"And now," Anthony continued, "they're talking about Amy and me going to a mental hospital or some shit because we're apparently 'a nuisance' to the other patients and I can't fucking stand it!"

"Anthony! Watch your language! Where do you hear that from?!"



Someone suddenly knocked on the door and Anthony stood up quickly and started walking over to it.

He barely opened the door and Alex couldn't even see the person outside. That was probably good, it might mean Anthony was making sure they were safe.

"Hello?" Asked Anthony.

Alex couldn't really hear what the person was saying, she was talking very quietly, but it was definitely a woman, probably not much older than him.

"Yes, he's here." Anthony answered, surprising Alex. Was this about him?

Anthony looked back at him. "She wants to see you."

Alex looked around the door and it was a tall woman with green eyes and long brown hair, who half-smiled at him but didn't look very happy.

"Do you know her?" Alex whispered to Anthony.

"Yes. She's Sarah. She and I talk a lot and she leaves the building some-"

Sarah put a finger to her lips.

"Never mind." Anthony finished.

"Please come with me. I wanna show you something." Sarah said.

Alex looked down at Anthony.

"Am I safe with her?" He asked.

"Yeah." Said Anthony.

Alex left the room and followed Sarah, but he couldn't help feeling that something wasn't right. He was hoping this wasn't the Sarah John was talking about, but it would add up if she was. Pretty similar description.

She brought him to her room and he stood outside. He was pretty sure you weren't supposed to go into the patients'rooms unless you knew them.

"Come in! I'm not gonna hurt you!" Sarah said, laughing.

"They won't let me in your room, will they?"

"Who cares what 'they' say. It's my room and I'm welcoming you in."

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