Chapter 18

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3rd Person

Peter: Oh, s-so you're from Italy.

Peter talked to his companion.

Asia: Yes, exactly.

Answers the blond girl next to Peter. He and she are in the subway right now. After Peter agreed to take Asia to her destination, they first took the bus and then got in the subway.

When the two of them got in the subway, there was only one seat left, which Peter left to Asia. She has to carry this suitcase all the time and that's why she should be allowed to sit down for a moment. Peter, kind as he is, offered to take the suitcase if it was too heavy for her, but she insisted on carrying the suitcase herself because she didn't want to burden Peter any more. He is so kind to take her to her destination, so she doesn't want to ask anything more of him.

There was an awkward silence between the two in the bus and on the way to the subway, so Peter tried to talk to her. He asked her where she was from and she answered that she is from Italy.

Peter: I a-always wanted to go to Italy. This is s-such a beautiful country and there is so much delicious food th-there.

Asia: Yes, that's right. There was a village near the monastery where I was. Sometimes the residents of the village were kind enough to make us food and teach us how to cook. God please bless these kind souls.

Asia closes her hands together and starts to pray in the middle of the subway. It doesn't bother her at all that the people next to her look at her with strange looks.

Peter (thoughts): Wow. If she's praying in a dirty subway, then her faith must be really deep. On the other hand, what should I expect from a nun?

While Asia is busy praying, Peter notices something. A few seats away are a couple of young men's who appear to be in their early or mid twenties. They look at Asia and have an amusing and somewhat pervert look on their faces. Amused that she is praying in a subway and perverted because Asia looks incredibly innocent and cute. Even more so when she is praying.

Peter (thoughts): Why are there so many perverts in this town?

Peter asked himself.

Asia may not have noticed the men's looks until now, but Peter is bothered that they keep staring at her. So that they finally stop doing that, Peter walks in their view and stands in front of Asia. He blocks their view so that the men's can only see Peter's back. The men's lean to the side and somehow try to look past him, but they can't.

Asia is a little confused that Peter is changing places.

Asia: Is anything wrong?

Peter: No, I... just wanted t-to change the place.

After about two more stops, they both get out of the subway. It is now only a short walk through a park to the church. As they walk through the park, they pass a children's playground. Suddenly they hear soft, small crying noices. Peter and Asia are both looking around until Asia sees a little boy sitting in the playground, on the floor. The boy is holding his knee and is crying.

Asia: Oh no.

Asia drops her suitcase and runs to the little boy. Peter picks up her suitcase from the floor and walks after her. The boy hears the footsteps and looks in the direction. Asia is with him first and kneels on the ground.

Asia: What's the matter, my child?

Asia asked in a soft voice. The boy is nervous that someone strange is in front of him and tries to crawl away.

Asia: No, no, everything is ok. We won't hurt you.

Asia points to herself and to Peter who is standing behind her. She has a nice, reassuring smile on her face. Seeing her nice smile, the boy calms down a bit and stops trying to crawl away.

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