Christmas Special

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Important Information.

This chapter has nothing to do with the story. This is just supposed to be a special for the holidays. Nothing that happens here has any influence on the story.

Well that's it from me, have fun reading and I hope you like it.


3rd Person

24th December

Ah Christmas. The best time of the year.

It's snowing in Kuoh. Snow lies everywhere in the streets, the trees in the parks all have no leaves and the small lakes in the parks are frozen.

Children play in the parks. They make snow angels, play snowball fights and skate on the frozen lakes.

Spiderman: Ah, I love the christmas time.

Spiderman swings around town. The snow falling from the sky lands on his body. Despite his love for Christmas, Peter hates the cold. Considering he only swings through the streets in his suit, that's no surprise. Rias and Asia tried to persuade him to put on a jacket while he is out as Spiderman. He turned it down because he thought it wouldn't look good fighting criminals while wearing a heavy winter jacket. He was stupid to refuse the offer. Now he has to freeze.

Spiderman (trembling): I should swing home before I freeze to death.

Shivering, Peter swings home as soon as possible to warm up.

Scene Change

In a building in downtown, 14 people are decorating their home. They have a lot to do as they have to decorate the entire floor.

After Rias moved in with Peter, a lot has changed in his home. Since Rias' family is extremely rich and her father only wants the best for Rias, he tried to build a mansion in Kuoh for her and Peter. After a long discussion, Rias was able to persuade her father not to build a mansion for them, as it was too much for the two of them. Instead, Rias' father then simply bought all the other apartments on the floor of the building they live in. After the people who lived in these apartments moved out, Rias' father had the walls torn down and expanded Rias' and Peter's apartment on the entire floor. In addition, her father used a bit of magic to enlarge the floor even further.

Now the floor includes 15 bedrooms, 15 bathrooms, 3 kitchen, 3 dining rooms and an big exercise room.

The ceilings were also enlarged with magic. The ceilings are now 8 meters high, which makes the rooms appear huge.

When Rias' father presented his work to the two of them, Peter collapsed and Rias scolded her father for hours because it's way too much for both of them and it's practically a mansion. However her father refused to change it again and the two have moved into their gigantic apartment.

In the beginning it was way too big for the two of them but with the growing company they got the apartment didn't seem so huge anymore and just right for all of them.

In the huge living room there are 8 of the 14 people and they are all decorating. They all wear thick clothes to keep themselves  warm. While decorating, they listen to some christmas music that Serafall has turned on.

Irina: Ah, I love Christmas. There is no better time of the year.

Gabriel: You're right Irina. Oh, we have to go to the church and pray to Father later. Especially today we angels have to pray to him.

Said the Seraph to the angel.

Christmas has an extremely great meaning for the angels. There is nothing greater for them than to celebrate the birth of the human Son of God. And on this day the angels pray to God several times and very intensely.

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