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the last day before the games

the last day before the games

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THAT MORNING, THANA woke up like she could before the games, refreshed and safe. She felt warmth and could only smile as she saw the chest of her brother rise and fall again in a beautiful rhythm. He looks peaceful and as if there is nothing to worry about at all. But Thana knows well how he will leave next morning to go to the arena, even though she tries to forget it with every little thought about it.

"Good morning," Thana smiles at her brother as she wakes him up, "let's get some food in our systems."

"'Morning," Latif says with a groggy voice. "What time is it?"

"It is time for breakfast little brother," Thana smiles while putting her hair in a messy bun and giving him a pointy look. "How did you sleep?"

"Great actually," Latif says, and his voice sounds surprised, "I haven't slept so well since—well since the reaping."

"I am glad you got some rest, Lati," Thana pats his head and opens her closet.

"What are you going to wear tonight?" Latif asks his sister.

"Probably a not to over the top yellow dress," Thana shrugs, "the attention is not on me tonight, but on you so you will wear something eye-catching while I simply will sit in the audience."

"Are the interviews scary?" Latif looks at his sister in wonder how she is holding up.

"Yes and no," Thana chuckles lightly, "you will feel nervous, and rightfully so. But Caesar will guide the interview in a way you will feel comfortable to talk more." Thana looks at her brother who still wears the clothes of yesterday evening, "he might have the wrong stance with agreeing with the games, but he is a wonderful person if you don't think about that. But chop chop, Rohan and I need to prepare you and Celie both."


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As the evening comes closer, Thana isn't surprised to see Arthur coming on their floor.

"Let's get you ready to look decent." He kisses the girls cheek, "I was thinking a little pink moment for you." He reveals silver heels and a covered outfit. "Sit down, so I can so your make-up and hair."

After some time he reveals a face with rosy cheeks and soft light make-up. Thana's hair simply hangs in soft curls and frames her face.

"These heels are killing me," Thana complains huffing.

"Shush darling," Arthur reveals a short, long sleeved light pink dress. He helps Thana into the dress and smiles at his creation. "You look wonderful my darling, as always."

"Only because you make me so beautiful," Thana smiles weakly.

"As your stylist I must say, I can't possible make you look any more beautiful than you already are." Arthur twirls the girl and smiles brightly at the genuine smiles of Thana.

"Thank you, Arthur," Thana gives the man a quick hug before opening the door to reveal Rohan who wears a dark blue suit with a matching pink tie.

"Are you ready?" Rohan holds his arm out and Thana takes it.

"Yes," she looks up to him, "let us see our tributes do their best on the stage."

"Let us welcome Celie Ports from district 9," Caesar invites the frail girl onto the stage. The girl steps out in a baby blue floor length dress that is decorated with all kinds of sparkles. "Welcome, my dear." Caesar guides the girl to the chair. "How are you this evening?"

"I am well, Mr. Caesar," Celie answers shyly as she plays with a strand of hair.

The man laughs softly, "isn't she adorable?" he asks the audience who cheer, "there is no need to call me mister, Caesar will just do fine." Celie smiles at the man. "You got a wonderful score; I am sure your family is very proud of you."

"I'd like to think so," Celie smiles at the thought.

"Can you tell us anything about them?"

"This isn't going to go very well for her," Rohan whispers to Thana, "she closes herself off and is overall not going to find popularity this way."

"How can you say that from only one answer?" Thana asks the man while making sure she smiles at the tribute in case she is watching them.

"Because I have mentored many tributes and I got no sponsors from interviews in which the tribute is this closed off."

"That was Celie Ports from district 9, everybody," Caesar says as Celie walks backstage. "Now let us welcome Latif Jardin from district 9!"

On to the stage walks a young man, not a boy, but a young man. Thana gets tears in her eyes as she realises that he reminds her of her father. The tan suit reminding her of the one he, Latif wore to their sister's wedding, but now with a red blouse instead of orange.

"Thank you, Caesar," Latif smiles and shakes his hand, "it is wonderful to meet you in person." The crowd cheers loudly.

"Isn't he charming?" Caesar asks the audience who cheer even louder, "and I must say the same." They both sit down, and the crowd goes silent. "I guess we all know by now, but still I want to hear it from you. Thana is family of yours, right?"

"Yes," Latif looks into the crowd and locks eyes with the woman in question, "she is my older sister." The audience goes nuts over it and Thana wipes away a tear.

"Well, that is wonderful news," Caesar smiles, "I am sure your family is very proud to have another of their children fighting for district 9." Thana can see her brother bite down on his lip and she sees his muscles tense.

"Our family couldn't be more happy with me going in a year after Thana," Latif forces a smile, "it is a great honour for me to."

"We are happy as well," Caesar smiles brightly, "I am sure you will surprise us all after your score."

"I do hope to do so," Latif says, "and I hope of course to make my family even prouder of me."

"That is how we like to hear it," Caesar stands up, "give it up for Latif Jardin."

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