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I was back at the place I least expected to be at: in hostage with The Enemy. But it was for a good purpose--I had to keep telling myself that. It's for a good reason, it's for a good thing... I can get rid of this glass problem I have and learn more about his plans. If he ever comes, that is.

I was staring at the concrete ground when I heard the barred door finally opened with an uplifting clank! I perked my head up, seeing the menacing look of The Energy piercing through me. I held my breath, hoping that he has what I came here for.

"Follow me," he told me in a stern voice.

Finally, I get to go somewhere else! With a grunt, I got up and strolled out of the cell; I followed him out of the dimly lit room and into a darker hallway; we turned left, ending up in what seemed like a bedroom.

It was a small, square-shaped room made out of cobblestone. There was a bed on the right side, facing the left side, which had a screen that looked like a flat-screen TV; on side of the bed closest to me was a night table; on the wall that was directly facing me was a large window with red curtains hanging from the sides.

I was expecting to be led back to the laboratory to reverse what he did to me, not being in a bedroom.

Suddenly in the middle of my confusion, I was pushed from behind, getting closer to the bed; I stumbled a bit, but fortunately gained my balance. "What are you--" I got shoved one last time, landing face down on the bed with my legs hanging from the edge. I straightened up, but the Enemy grabbed my wrists with each of his hands and forced them close to the board that was perpendicular to the back of the bed. I struggled to escape from his grasp, but he overpowered me and forced me to lay on the bed on my back in order to keep my wrists. I decided to let down my guard so that I can at least get somewhat of his good side and know about his plans; he slammed my wrists against the wooden board and I heard the sickening sounds of chains snapping my in captivity as real. I sat up a bit so that breathing could be an easier job for me.

I took in a deep breath. "I thought you were gonna get rid of glass for me! Wha is this?" If only I could speak Russian to him I could be a whole lot more intimidating.

The Enemy letted out a deep chuckle. "I got something better for you, Sasha." He gazed down at me with a sickening smirk.

"Wha I asked for is better," I snapped back with narrowed eyes.

"How do you know? You don't even know what I have for you!" I shot him a villainous glare as he leaned closer to me.
He changed his voice and said mockingly, "Let's not jump to conclusions now, Sasha, that's not nice."

I could have whipped out Zashchitnik and shot him out of existence..but I don't have it, so I can't do that--all I have is myself. "Don't call meh that."

He straightened up with a sigh. "You told me that many times, yet no one can stop me, including you, so deal with it." He picked up a thick, black, rectangular object from the night table. "I got something to propose to you, Sasha: a deal." He began tossing the object with one hand and catching it with the same hand.

I glared up a him. "Don't call meh that," I repeated again, this time more lowly.

"Do you wanna hear the deal or not?" he asked the wall that was in front of him.

"A deal to get meh what I came here for, yes!"

He looked down at me. "This is better:--" He pointed the object at me. "--you tell me and show me everything about HEROES' plans to destroy me, including your blueprints for you headquarters, suits, and aircrafts--"

"NO!" I screeched; I shook my head vigorously. "No, no way! You are not gonna get 'em!"

"Okay then, watch your--" He chuckled mirthlessly as he pointed the object up the screen. "--boyfriend die." He then pressed a button on the object.

The screen lit up; it showed a small jail room similar to the one I was in through a surveillance camera's point of view. In the middle of the room was someone who was tied up to a wooden chair with rope circling his wrists and ankles against the chair; he had his head dipped down, showing his dark brown hair, not his face; I immediately knew who it was just by looking at him.

"FELIKS!" I shrieked, thrusting my body towards the screen as best as possible; the chains stopped my motions sharply, threatening me to go any further. I snapped my head to gaze at the Enemy with wide eyes. "Wha are you gonna do to him‽" I can feel my heart slamming into my chest at an irregular speed as my body went numb for a moment.

"Well, let's just say that you hand me the plans and blueprints from HEROES..." He pointed the object at me. "...and he'll see tomorrow..." He directed the direction of the object back up at the screen.

What? Thoughts began running through my mind: I wonder what exactly was the Enemy going to do with Feliks; it is clear that with the plans he wants, our mission would fail if he gets ahold of them... But is Feliks going to be alright? But I can't hand over the plans, I'd get killed by the group. No, I have to do what's right...our plans are our plans, and no threatening villain's going to get to them.
I turned to him from staring straight ahead of me; I shot him a dark look. "You'll never get the plans. Never."

The Enemy gave me an uncertain expression with a shrug and pursed lips. "Okay, if it suits you." He brought the tip of the object close to his mouth and pressed a button; he spoke into it saying, "Kill him."

"WHA‽" I yelled harshly; my eyes flew wide open. With haste, I snapped my head to the right to see the screen while I heard a loud gunshot ringing through the air. When my eyes landed on the screen, I saw that the room was empty.


I gaped at the screen in disbelief as my head gently hit the back of the bed where my hands were chained against. I began breathing hard, trying to decipher what actually happened. He's...dead. I felt my throat tightening and my jaw twitching as the emotional agony began gnawing at my heart. No, no, please, no... I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to shove all the rising pain to remain strong, but it was becoming too much to bear: my breathing was getting shaky and I felt tears forming on the edge of my eyes. If only I wasn't where I was at that moment; if only I was back at home, where I could let everything out in my room without having the fear of what others would think about me.

"Awww...poor Sasha..." I heard the taunting voice of the Enemy say, "...did I make you cry?"

Ire began fusing in with my dolefulness; I lolled my head over to look at him with a last-second grave expression, trying to ignore the tears that were already spilling down my cheeks. I wanted to yell at him, but I knew if I said a single word, it would just immediately turn into pitiful sobs; I just let my look do the talking, then I rolled my head back over so that I wasn't looking at his face.

"You know, it is okay to cry, I understand," I heard him telling me in what seemed like the most fake sorry tone I've ever heard in my life. "Everyone has to cry once in a while, especially when someone you love dearly dies in front...of you; I completely understand." He paused for a moment; I heard the TV turn off; I snapped my eyes up, seeing that the screen was now black. "But now...I'm starting to feel really, really bad for you." He sighed. "Is there a way I can make you feel better?"

I continued staring ahead of me, not even daring to look at him.

"I know how to make you feel better. Here, look at me."


"Come on, please, look at me."

I want to kill you so badly right now.

The Enemy letted out a heavy sigh, which I ignored. I then felt something warm and rough like a hand being placed on top of my left hand. I turned to that direction to see what was on my hand. I immediately got sidetracked by two hands cupping each side of my jaw and what felt like lips being pressed onto mine. I tried to pull away, but I felt a force climbing on top of me, pinning me in place. I looked up ahead of me since I was now in a lying position, seeing the Enemy's face inches away from mine. I felt his hot breath hit my skin as he began to talk: "You and I are going to have lots of fun...right now."

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