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It has been a week after I have received my early presents.

But immediately after I got the presents, we all went into training so that we know how to use them correctly and efficiently.

The sky skates turned out to practically be hover boots. But having hover boots that are used the same way as ice skates while using boomerang-functioning discs is not as easy as it sounds...or looks. First, I had to get used to the sky skates since I felt a bit unstable with them because of course, there was nothing underneath me except the floating blades that produce the ice skating-like feel and the ground a few inches down. After that, I had to master the discs, which consisted of first throwing and catching. Then I had to do that on my sky skates and that was more difficult because the disc had huge force to it and it kept knocking me onto the ground whenever I caught it. Fortunately, I got the hang of it, so I was throwing and catching a five pound disc with its edge glowing magenta while being three feet in the air with hovering blades being the only thing holding me up.

Then came aiming: actually throwing the disc at something.

I was against a bullseye target one would use for archery, except I used it for disc throwing. I had to throw the disc into the board in the red area and let it stay there. Then with the gloves that were attached to my fighting suit, I extend my hand out towards it and like as if I had telekinetic powers, it would come back to me! Voilà! But it wasn't easy letting the disc stay in there without clattering onto the ground and skidding back to me.

"Harder," Poncho told me.

I took in a sigh behind my glass, teardrop-shaped shield that was attached to my helmet. I clutched onto my disc, crossed my arm to the other side of my body, placing the edge of the disc inches away from my neck; then with one snappy motion, I flung my arm out, letting go of the disc as I applied weight on it. It whizzed in the air and suddenly halted as it got wedged in the red circle.

"That looks odd," I muttered to myself.

"Do you mind leaving your disc behind like that?" Poncho asked me sternly.

"Oh, right." I reached my hand out, feeling the pull of the glove and the disc increasing. The disc then ripped out from the target with a cling! and my hand automatically clutched onto the smooth surface of the weapon. "There we goes!" I smiled as I looked down at the leader, who was still in his hovering chair.

He nodded his head. "Good, good... Now you can penetrate through tough surfaces of aircrafts, causing them to combust."

I rose my eyebrows. "Wow, that sounds awesome!" Then in my excitement, I threw the disc again aimlessly with force. It flew in through the air with top speed, slicing through the walls since the force it built up on itself was strong enough to cut through it. I felt myself go pale when I saw the destruction I've done. I looked done at Poncho. "Whoops."

He had a flat look, staring at the slitted wall.

I extended my hand out silently and the disc whizzed through the wall, cutting it once again in another area of it; it slammed into my opened hand and I clutched on to it.

Poncho letted out a heavy sigh and shook his head as he began turning around and gliding out of the room. "It's for their good, it's for their own good..."


The next morning, I was walking down the hallway to breakfast with Andrea by my side.

"How's your training going?" I asked her, wanting to make some sort of conversation.

"It's going pretty well." She turned out of the hallway with me following her. "It was difficult at first getting the hang of controlling the wings, but now I got the hang of it...but it's so weird controlling 'em with your mind, there's no tangible controller of anything for 'em!"

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