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I was typing furiously in my room about what happened at breakfast with me being guilty about dream walking into Alek's dream.

I heard the door open, so I turned my head to see who was walking in: it was Andrea.

"Hey, are you okay?" she asked me gently as she sauntered up to me.

"Uhhhh..." I groaned through my throat as I turned back to my lit up iPad. "No." I sighed and slumped on my chair since I placed my arms on my lap.

I sensed her stopping from behind me. "What are you doing on your iPad?"

"Eh, nothing," I told my propped-up iPad.

"C'mon, Katt, you can tell me anything, we're friends, right?" I heard her coax me.

I letted out a sharp sigh. "Fine. I'm keeping track of my life and I was writing down what happened during breakfast."

"Oh, so it's like a diary you're writing, right?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah, you can say that."

Then silence took over my room for a moment.

"Why aren't you okay?" Andrea asked me.

"It's because I feel terrible dream walking into Alek's dream."

"Well, I needed you to do that so we can know what's going on with him."

"But I have a feel he knew I dream walked! The way he looked at me after he talking about his dream..." I shook my head with quick motions. "No, he gave me that look that was like...yikes..."

"Russian looks," she told me with a scoff. "They can be harsh."

"When they're mad, yea."

"Don't make a Russian mad--number one rule!" she said with a preppy voice.

I nodded my head full-heartedly. "Oh yes, I definitely agree." I then stopped nodding. "But I think I made him mad."

"No, he didn't blow up the room or caused any destruction, so you didn't make him so mad."

"But I mean, I think I made him miffed, like I annoyed him. I want him to like me, I don't want to be so obnoxious to him."

"Hm..." Andrea held a pause. "I think I have an idea."

"And what is that?" I twisted my body around to face her; I noticed that she was still standing and had her arms crossed.

"You can 'hand' over your diary over to him and he can write down what is going on in his life!"

I gaped at her. "What, are you serious? But that's like... He wouldn't do that!" I made an odd look at her.

Andrea shrugged. "You never know."

"Ugh..." I fell back down deeper into my chair, facing my iPad again. "...it would be nice to know about his life and all, but I mean, isn't keeping a diary something just for girls?"

"You can name it a 'journal'--make it sound less girly."

I shrugged. "Yeah. But you can do it."

"No!" She told me back playfully. "You're gonna do it!"

Why are you making me do everything? I letted out a sigh. "Fine. I'll do it."

Andrea walked over to my left so that I can see her. "Thank you. This will benefit the team since we have to know about what happened to Alek during his captivity."

"Why can't we just tell him directly though?" I asked with a shrug.

"Don't you remember what happened back there?" She pointed behind her shoulder with her thumb towards the door. "He didn't open up. And I asked him personally not too long ago and he didn't say anything about it. So we need to get it out of him in a not-so obvious way."

"Yeah, asking him to write in a journal...very not-so-obvious!" I said sarcastically.

"Hey, it's worth a shot! There's no harm to it!" She gave me a frown with wide eyes.

"I know, it's that I just don't want to be so annoying to him! I don't wanna be everywhere he's at!"

"You're his teammate, you guys live under the same roof! We bump into each other the whole time!" She extended her hands out.

"But we don't talk to each other about writing in diaries!" I shot back at her.

"Katt, do it, please." She looked desperate for me to follow her orders. "And if he starts ignoring you or anything he does it bothering you, come to me and I'll straighten it out since I was the one who thought of it."

I nodded my head, feeling a sense of security grow in me. "Okay, I will. Thanks for backing me up." I smiled at her.

Andrea gave me a warm smile. "You are so welcome! Thank for you doing this!"

I nodded my head more at her, not knowing what else to say. Time to confront Alek...again.


I shakily pressed the button of Alek's room's door. I then stood there with my heart beating as the door was lifting up slowly. With my hand down by my side, I gripped onto my iPad with sweatiness. I felt like sprinting back to my room as the door ended its lifting session.

On the other side of the room was Alek; he was sitting on his desk chair, examining his gun, I mean, examining Zashchitnik. He then perked up and turned his head to look at me.

"Hi," I squeaked out.

"What do you want?" he asked me in a normal tone. Nothing concerning, nothing furious.

Just say it. I began making my way towards him. "I was wondering--" I blurted out a bit too loud. "--I was wondering if...you want to write about your life...what's going on in it...in your iPad...like a journal." I halted myself when I was about two feet away from him.

Alek had a bewildered look. "You want me to write about my life?"

"Well, not your whole life--" I chuckled a bit. "--just about recent things that have came about. Anything interesting that you want to write about in your life."

He cocked an eyebrow. "So like a journal?"

"Yeah." I nodded my head. "I'm doing it...so you can do it." I felt like slapping myself for saying that. Don't make him think that you want him to do whatever you like to do! "It's my gift," I continued on talking, trying to redeem myself, "to you for...almost killing you."

Alek gazed down at me with a flat expression. "Thank you." He nodded his head a bit. "I can do it."

OMG REALLY YEAAAAH!!!' "Really--? Awesome! I couldn't help but smiling. "So yea, you can write it on your iPad, take account of your life... I can send you a doc you can write it in." I then figured he wouldn't know what a 'doc' was. "A document. I can send you one so that you can write in it."

"Yeah, go ahead."

"Thanks!" I then walked away while opening up my iPad; I sent him a document that is shared by me, since I made it, while closing the door as I was exiting his room.

I sauntered over to my room, where Andrea was still in.

"So?" She asked me excitedly as she stood up from sitting on my bed.

"It worked!" I gave her a thumbs up with a huge smile. "He took it!"

"Yes!" She pumped her fist into the air. "I should go to my room now! Have fun!" She then breezed past me as she patted me on my shoulder.

I then stood there in the middle of my empty as the door was sliding closed. Let's see how this goes...

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