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Wow! More than a year to write this story! So many people to thank! Okay, let's take this bite size!

So first and foremost, I'll like to thank God for giving me the supplies and the support and the idea of this story, We Are Heroes. Without Him, nothing would exist and this story wouldn't be around, of course! I would mainly like to thank Him for putting me in a specific school with specific students that made this story the way it is! Oh, and thank God for Russia! :D

I would also like to thank my family for supporting me writing in general! Without you guys, I don't know what I'd do!

I would like to thank four high school classmates in particular: Emmy, Oleg, Austin, and Corrie. You guys are awesome, thanks for talking to me--that made you guys part of this story! I hope you'll find this story soon and experience the characters I based you guys off of! And I'm sorry that I left you guys midway through the second semester (except for you, Oleg, you left us after first semester! Hope you're enjoying Russia!)

And since I'm in this school subject, I'll also like to thank three specific teachers: Mr. Jackson, Mr. Miller, and Mr. Pratt. Mr. Jackson, I had a blast talking to you about hockey and you've fit yourself into my stories with your influence. It's sad to know that I'm no longer around you since I've moved schools, but I'll also remember you! And Mr. Miller, I thought you were gonna be the scariest teacher on earth, but you turned out to be one of the best science teachers I've ever had! Thanks for making us do the questionnaire on the first day of school! And I'm feeling better after getting 'kicked by a horse.' And Mr. Pratt, thanks for slamming your hand onto the board during that one lesson, causing the projector to malfunction.

And last but not least, I would like to thank YOU! Yes, you, who are reading this, my wonderful fan! Thank YOU for reading this through the end and voting and commenting and placing into your reading list (if you hadn't done any of those SHAME ON YOU! No, jk, I'm only joking, but seriously, I'm so happy that you got through the end of the story!) Without you guys, this would be one lonely book...all sad and lonely... But yes, takk, kiitos, danke, cпасибо, et merci!!! You guys are amazing!!!

Facts about this story: Started planning in like late August/early September of 2014, accidentally published it on September 25, 2014, continued writing in November 10, 2014, stopped because I was falling behind in my other stories, then continued on in May 23, 2015, stopped, continued in August 2014, stopped, continued in Oct/Nov of 2015 and finally finished writing on December 13, 2015 and finished publishing on January 2, 2016! Whew! Took more than a year to write, but it was awesome to write! And this is the first story that is actually listed (#623 is the highest) before I finished it! Yay!

Stay this awesome, okay?
-AShruinger (13.12.15)

*play video for third ending song: Exist-Overwerck

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