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Andrea aka Hen is back here again!

Thank God we got Russia back to the present just in time for dinner! Now I know to never let him time travel like that again! So much responsibility, it's so stressful! But who on earth would wreak his stuff like that? I certainly didn't! But at least he's safe and back here at the base, and that's all that matters. We'll find out soon who did that mess!

During dinner, Poncho gave us an announcement of our upcoming major mission, which was the reason why it was mandatory for all of us to be at the dinner table.

"Do you know what time of year this is for the school?" Poncho asked us as he was cutting the meat on his plate.

Everyone went silent while mulling over for the answer; I though immediately knew.

"I know what it is!" I exclaimed.

The leader looked at me with a gleeful look. "And what is it?"

"It's the annual fall dance! ASB puts it on every year!" I'm part of ASB, so I know all the dances that come up during the school year.

Poncho nodded his head while looking down at his plate. "That's right!" He gazes back up at us. "And you guys are going to that dance to guard it!"

"Are we gonna have to guard every dance?" Katt questioned with a frown and furrowed eyebrows.

"Yes, we are. Better be safe than sorry," he answered.

She frowned as she slightly slumped into her seat.

I wanted to cheer her up, so I turned to her and nudged her shoulder. "C'mon, Katt, it'll be fun!"

Katt letted out a groaned. "I'll go, do I have a choice?" She straightened herself up and continued eating.

"Hen?" Poncho called out, grabbing my attention. "Would you mind telling us the details for this dance?"

"Oh yeah!" I dropped my utensils and looked at the team. "So this year's annual fall dance is going to be formal. So that means suits and ties for the guys and dresses and high heels for the girls."

Katt looked like as if she was being tortured in a boring lecture. I gazed down at her, wanting to figure out why she didn't seem too happy about this.

She darted her eyes at me. "Sorry, I don't like dresses."

I shrugged at her. "Well, can't really do anything about that. Sorry."

She nodded her head from side to side and resumed eating.

I turned back to look at mainly the guys who were on the other side of the table. "The dance is not tonight, not the next night, but the next next night; so it's three days from now. Any questions?"

Freshman raised his hand with an eager look.

"Oh, Freshman, you can talk-- This isn't school."

He put down his hand. "Well, do we have to have dates?"

"If you want to, but it's not necessary," I replied.

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