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"How long ago was it when you shot him?" Poncho asked me hastily.

We were back in the base, or more specifically in the holding room of the base.

With Andrea's help, we were able to get ahold of The Enemy after I shot him. He ended up sliding motionlessly off of the opened aircraft after I shot him with one of his men's guns. Andrea saw him falling, so she caught him and went up to me, commanding me to get out of there with her. So as fast as we could, we zoomed out from the battle zone, hoping to get to the base before The Enemy recovered from the shot.

We arrived at the base and I followed Andrea with The Enemy limp over my shoulder as we made a sharp left turn to the end of the hallway. On the wall that made the end of the hallway was a button, which she pressed on.

A door then formed from the wall and opened itself up; on the other side was a staircase that led downward. Andrea quickly made her way down the stairs.

I rushed down the spiral staircase following her, only seeing darkness and the glow that was emitting from the designs of our suits. I reached the end of the staircase after her.

In front of me was a room that was lined with machines, desks, and screens. I spotted Andrea on the other side of the room, pulling out something from a drawer that belonged to a desk that was located near the middle of the back of the room.

"Bring him over here!" she told me with haste.

I jogged over next to her and placed our enemy down onto the ground not so gently.

"Hold his wrist and place it against the wall," she ordered me.

I grabbed his wrist and pulled it up, pressing it against the wall.

Andrea placed the object she was holding against his wrist; when she let go, a white, smooth cuff appeared around his wrist, locking his wrist against the wall.

"Let's do the other wrist and then the ankles," she informed me.

So we did so, pinning his wrists and ankles against the wall.

After we were done, we stood in front of him, admiring our work.

I turned to her. "Wait, but can't he just teleport out of there if he wakes up?" I asked her with confusion.

She faced me with a smirk. "No." She shook her head. "Those cuffs not only lock someone into place, but also cancel out any power flow in their body. It was specialized just for him."

"Okay." I nodded my head.

"Now let's go get Poncho out from the ground and hope that Katt and Freshman have the Machine of the World." She turned around and sprinted back up the stairs.

And I followed her out.

Now we were back at that room, but this time with Poncho, Katt, and Freshman along with the Machine and Key of the World.

"Um..." I shrugged. "...maybe about less than an hour since I shot 'im," I guessed.

Poncho nodded his head, looking at his used-to-be partner-in-crime. "He should be waking up anytime soon. Unfortunately, those bullets in his men's guns don't kill."

"What are we gonna do when he wakes up?" Andrea asks him with wide eyes.

"That's a good question, Hen," the leader pointed out, pointing at her. "And I have an idea."

"And what's that?" Cade pipes in.

We all gathered around Poncho, wanting to listen to his plan to finally put in an end to our mission once and for all.

"Jake put in each of you powers, as you should already know." He faced Andrea and I while saying that. "But the powers he placed in you guys are lethal--they can kill you guys on his mental command, so you guys must get rid of them."

"How?" Bree questions.

"Fortunately, the powers are new to you guys and it takes time and adjustment for the powers to be suited inside you guys, so since your powers aren't fully adjusted to your guys' bodies, it would be much more easier to get rid of them. To do so, you must use your powers full-fledge: blast all the energy you can until the power can't handle you and it disintegrates." He was now facing us with a serious, yet cool expression.

"So we just blast the powers from our hands until we practically run out?" Cade says, trying to make sense of what the leader just said.

"Yes." Poncho nodded his head full-heartedly. "And your target is..." He gazed straight ahead of him, so we followed his eyes, parting to see what he was looking at.

He was looking at The Enemy chained to the wall, a few feet above from the ground. The Enemy was beginning to become conscious, blinking his eyes opened while moving his mouth.

"Welcome back from Cloud 9, Jacob," Poncho told our hostage with graveness in his tone.

We stood on each side of our leader; Andrea and I were on Poncho's right side, while Bree and Cade was on his left side.

The Enemy gazed around the room in confusion; when his eyes landed on the Machine of the World, which was on the other side of the room, next to the staircase, he breathed out some gibberish, then: "The Machine of the World..." It seemed like as if he attempted to reach out for it, but of course his hand didn't go that far.

"You'll never get it," the leader told him. "You lost."

The Enemy snapped his eyes at him while beginning to bare his teeth in anger. "No, I hadn't--not yet!" He then began to violently thrust himself forward, trying to break the cuffs, but was failing to. He stopped moving and began to breath loudly. "Not yet," he repeated. "You guys are all gonna die! All of you are gonna die because of the powers I gave you! You will die--!"

"NOW!" Poncho bellowed out at us.

I immediately mentally commanded my power flow to emit from my hands and I extended my hands straight at him just as a blast of glass began rushing out from the palm of my hands. Andrea had her hands out as well, emitting a blinding, thick ribbon of purple energy with white in the middle. There was also light pink and green energy, coming from Bree and Cade respectively, striking the chest of The Enemy harshly as he was yelling to the top of the lungs with his head swung back in agony.

This is for all...all the terrible things you have done to me, I said to him mentally.

The Enemy began to gradually glow white, until the white became so bright that it exploded throughout the whole room, forcing us to stop striking him.

I felt a blowing force blast from the source of the whiteness; I was luckily able to hold my ground, but I had to turn my head away from the blinding explosion with my arm shielding my eyes since it was so bright.

Suddenly, the light diminished, leaving the room back to normal.

We all eagerly gazed back to see what was left of The Enemy.

In the spot where he was was just the leftover pieces of what used to be the cuffs laying on the ground.

"We did it..." Andrea exclaimed under her breath while looking at the spot in amazement. She turned to look at the rest of us. "We did it. We got rid of The Enemy. He's finished."

"That's right," Poncho assured with a smirk. "Mission accomplished, HEROES."

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