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Hen aka Andrea here once again!

Okay, I have to tell Russia to put an intro in what he writes, like what I do, so that the audience won't get confused about who's writing what! But seriously, trying to change whatever is wrong with him is like telling a rock to turn pink--it's impossible! Anyways, now would not be the right time to tell him because...poor kid. I'll explain down below!

That night, the four of us, Katt, Cade, Poncho (I have a feeling that he's 100% evil), and I, were eating dinner without Russia.

The time came around to eat dinner and Russia was not around and we were certainly not going to starve with him, so we decided to have dinner. And of course Poncho whole-heartedly agreed to have dinner without him.

It's weird though because Poncho was strict and hardcore on the Russian but then when Jake, or The Enemy, disguised as him came around, he was like super caring and let him off the hook on many things! Like being late for dinner! But that is all because he's simply working for him. Favouritism, I'd say. He wouldn't do that to me, that's for sure!

We were eating Cade's dinner, which consisted of fried chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, and bread--food that would be considered Amish food. But I know for sure that Cade's not Amish!

Anyways, we were eating peacefully when we heard footsteps coming toward us. We all looked up and gazed at the direction of the entrance. Lo and behold was the one I was looking for: Russia in all of his glory.... Well, he wasn't showing off any glory, I just felt like putting that in! But Russia did not look good at all: his eyes were narrowed with a frown and it seemed like he just cried... Russia cries? I don't want to put in any assumptions right now, all I can say at the moment is that he looked terrible. Not in his best mood.

"Ah, Russia, there you are!" Poncho stated with relief. "Come and eat with us!" He shot him a warm smile.

Wait...is this real Russia or Jake Russia though...? I thought to myself. I had a feeling it was the real Russia, but I did not want to choose incorrectly.

Russia glared at Poncho and began heading to the hallway where our rooms were located.

Okay, I think the Jake Russia would not do that, my mind said. He would just be with Poncho... That must be real Russia. I looked to my right and saw Katt staring at Russia; it looked like she was about to cry herself--she looked shocked!

"Real Russia?" I whispered to her lowly.

She shrugged. "I don't know... I hope he's okay."

Thanks, Katt. I thought to myself sarcastically as I straightened up.

"Russia!" Poncho shouted at the hallways as Russia disappeared around the corner. "Don't go into your room! Come back here and eat with us! You were not here for the whole day you cannot leave like that! I don't want to see you in your room-- COME BACK!!!"

Yikes, I thought to myself.

But of course, Russia did not listen.

That is so real Russia, I thought to myself. I gazed down at my half-finished plate to finish eating, but I suddenly didn't feel like eating anymore. I began feeling bad for Russia... I wanted to know what happened to him and where he was and comfort him. I do play the mother role of this group after all.

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