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I fluttered my eyes opened, sensing that I was laying on a dusty, soft surface.

Wait, I forgot. Before I go any further, I'm Alek--I, Alek, am narrating this.


So I was laying on dirt with my back facing up. I felt the air very thick and moist, like as if it was humid. I was not used to this type of atmosphere, so I did not like it. I wrinkled my nose and slowly slid up to my knees, trying figure out where I was.

I found myself in the middle of a room that was entirely made out of dirt, like as if someone dug up the ground, went inside, and made a ceiling consisting of dirt to stay in place. There were lights installed in the ceiling, casting brightness into the area and making shadows very visible. I looked in front of me and saw what seemed like a metallic box with blue-pained edges and a keyhole on its side on the other side of the small room.

But how did I get here?

Oh right, I got knocked out...by The Enemy. Just like what the girl had predicted.

Speaking of the devil, a mist of black smoke appeared in front of me and The Enemy sauntered out of it; he had an evil smirk on his face.

"Well, well, well, it's about time we all encountered each other," he told someone who was behind me.

I snapped my head over to my shoulder to see who he was talking to.

Behind me was Andrea, Bree, Cade, and Poncho--all of HEROES. He got us all, I thought to myself. How? I saw that they were scared; I don't blame them, I had to admit that I was a bit as well.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment," The Enemy continued on, rubbing his hands together. "I got you guys, HEROES--" He extended his hand toward us. "--and the one and only..." He reverted his hand toward the metallic box. "...Machine of the World."

So that's the Machine of the World, I thought to myself. That's what we were trying to avoid The Enemy from getting... We failed.

"Thanks to Brent, or as you guys know him as Poncho, for helping me claim this wonderful piece of supernatural ability--" He extended his hand beyond me; I followed it, see that he was pointing to Poncho, who had a guilty look on his face.

He is evil, I thought to myself. Of course, it shouldn't be a surprise.

"--I couldn't have done it without you," he told him.

Poncho just dipped his head down with his hands clasped in front of him.

"But don't worry guys," he continued on talking to us, "the school isn't destroyed...just the football field, which is what we're under right now." We all looked up at the brown, dusty ceiling. "So there won't be any football for a while here at your school." We all looked back at him.

This has got to stop, I thought to myself as I stared at The Enemy with horror as he continued speaking, no one is doing anything. If that's the case, then I'll make the first move.

Then with a deep breath, I immediately jumped to my feet and shouted, "You will never get that machine."

The Enemy shrugged with a cocky look. "Too bad, it seems like I already got it."

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