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The door was shut behind me, leaving me alone in a room.

The room was exactly like the room where I received my powers in, except this room was more brighter and had different equipment: tables full of parts to build technology and a working table in the middle.

I was dragged into this room by The Enemy with the task of building a machine that could destroy its target in seconds, ranging from an insect to a whole planet. I guess he knew I was smart scientific and technology-wise. Well, Zashchitnik was proof of that talent of mine and he had telepathy.

I didn't want to build anything for The Enemy though since it would be used for his advantage and against us. Just because he has me hostage doesn't mean he has control over me; I can do whatever I want to do. And I was going to do the right thing: escape. And now with my brand new powers, that task could be much easier than before.

I walked over to the working table, staring at the scraps of metal and gears that laid on it. I then noticed a familiar empty neon blue piece that was between two pieces of metal. I brushed the metal off from it and pulled out what I saw, finding out that I was pulling out Zashchitnik from the pile of junk. "Yes!" I shouted to myself as I clasped it close to me. 'Плохая идея, Враг.' Bad idea, The Enemy.

Let's see if he knows Russian.

I unclasped the bottom, outer shell of my gun, pulling out a spare energy source from it. 'Мне нужен мой рубашку,' I thought to myself as I closed up my gun and placed it on the table. I need my shirt. I placed the metallic device with half of a blue orb on it against my chest. I turned it like a locker combination, making the orb glow neon blue. Black pixels immediately emitted from it, folding against my bare upper body, forming my shirt, which included my gloves. When the process finished, I pulled on the rough fabric, making sure it was completely built. "Хорошо, я получил мою рубашку. Теперь пойдем!" Good, I got my shirt back. Now let's go!

I scooped up Zashchitnik, turned on it, and aimed it at the door, shooting it out of existence with the blue energy that came out from it. l then walked out of the room, looked both ways, and began heading down the hallway after making a left turn. I rushed as fast as I can, keeping on the look out by looking from side to side so that I would know that I wasn't being chased down.

Suddenly, something to the right caught my eye.

I halted and walked backwards, looking at what stopped me in the first place.

It was a door that was wide opened, showing a small room, much smaller and darker than the one I was in. In the middle of the room was Andrea, sitting in a chair, not moving a muscle.

'Я должен получить ее.' I have to get her. I strolled into the room and looked down at her, seeing that she had her eyes closed. "Hen," he said to her quietly.

She opened her eyes slowly and looked at me. "Russia?"

"Come on, let's get you out." I pressed the emission hole of Zashchitnik against her cuff, shooting it into disappearance; I did the same for the rest of her cuffs.

"Is it really you?" Andrea asked me with haste as she stood up and grasped onto my wrist.

I shot her a confused look. "Wha do you mean?"

"What's the Russian alphabet?"

I narrowed my eyes at her with a frown. "Why are you asking me that right now?"

She letted out a sigh of relief while looking up. "It is really you!" She then hugged me. "Oh, I'm so glad to know you're still around!"

I tried to wiggle myself out of her embrace. "We need to go, now."

She letted go and looked at me. "Okay, let's go."

I ran out of the room with her following me; we both ran down the hallway.

"And I'll explain everything that happened while you are gone later on and you got lots of explaining to do yourself, Russia!" Andrea told me between pants of tiredness.

I didn't answer, but instead, made a right turn, entering a massive hanger filed with familiar aircrafts: the same aircrafts we have fought against lately. I turned around to look at her. "Let's get into one of these!" I turned back around and rushed to the nearest one to the exit.

I boarded the pilot side as Andrea sat in the passenger's side.

"Okay, let's get out of here." I placed my gun on the ground next to me, turned on the aircraft, brought up the opening of the hanger, and flew out of The Enemy's base with ease, which I found really surprising.

"Wow, that was a smooth escape," Andrea told me as I was controlling the massive aircraft in the air.

"I know," I told her while looking through the window, out into the sky. "Surprising."

"Hehe, yeah... So, what happened backed there, since that is where The Enemy hangs out at..."

Her speaking was drowned out by my thoughts: So I now have powers, is that going to effect me? Why did The Enemy let us go so easily? Why did The Enemy have Hen in a room with the door wide open? Is it true what he told me about my real parents not wanting me? I don't think that's true...I don't want that to be true...that can't be true... The only why to find out is to find the real answer to why I was given away. And the only way to know that since I'm stuck here in Amercia is to--

"Russia," I heard Andrea calling me.

I got out from my thoughts. "Yeah?"

"Didn't you hear what I just said?"

I shook my head slowly. "No..."

She groaned. "Someone was mimicking you. They looked exactly like you, but they just didn't act like you. And this happened like sometime earlier today. And of course it wasn't you because you were with The Enemy. So yea, someone was pretending to be you."

"Who's doing this?" I asked feeling fury rising in me. 'Никто не имитирует меня.' Nobody imitates me.

"I think it's The Enemy...he told me..."

I frowned while staring at the sky. "But I was just with The Enemy, how could he be there and here at the same time?"

"I don't know, maybe he was gone without you knowing! Maybe he's at the base right now and that was why we got away so easily! But we'll find him and make things straight... To be honest though, it was freaky seeing you, well not really you, but someone who looks like you act so...ugh, no. Bad acting."

I chuckled a bit at her thought of my mimicker, then went back to my thoughts: Now how to know why I was given away...how about building a time machine, yeah?

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